6: Wonwoo - Confession on the Sand

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Hand in hand along the shore, your feet left prints as you walked through the wet sand that was constantly being flushed with cool ocean water.

Wonwoo didn't want to get his feet dirty in the sand since he claimed that it would get stuck in his toenails for days; that's why he had his arm out and his hand in yours, holding you as you two walked along the beach by the sunrise. The sound of the waves was calming and to be walking with the man you loved left your heart feeling peaceful.

You were staring at the ground, watching the gentle waves swipe past your feet then back. The last bits of the summer breeze was hitting your face softly, blowing your hair away.

Wonwoo was feeling the peacefulness of this moment too. At first, when you suggested coming to the beach in the early morning to see the sunrise, Wonwoo didn't believe that the beach would be empty, which made him a bit reluctant. Now that he saw the empty beach, he was glad that you dragged him along.

He watched as your hair flew in front of your face because of the wind. He watched as you walked beside the water, letting your feet sink in the sand for a second or two before taking your next step. He watched as you subconsciously smiled with the sunrise in the back making you glow.

Oh dear lord, you looked so beautiful in so many different ways. Any of the words that meant "beautiful" wouldn't have been able to describe the beauty he was seeing. You were just so utterly gorgeous in his eyes that he didn't want to lose this sight. It was way too beautiful for a word.

"Are you having fun?" Wonwoo asked, pushing up his glasses to see the prettiest you clearer.

"What could be so fun about this?" You replied, turning your head to him, who had his black hair flying across his forehead and brushing over his eyes.

"I don't know, you just seem so invested in it."

"It's peaceful, isn't it?" You paused and smiled at him lovingly. Your smile was the sun of his world.

The wind continued to blow past as your eyes stayed locked on each other. Wonwoo eventually smiled too and you could see his glasses glistening. "Yeah, it is."

After what seemed like minutes of gazing into each other's eyes, you took your hand out of his clasp and opened up your arms, as if asking for a hug.

Without knowing what you wanted, Wonwoo tried to assume that your hearty smile meant that you wanted a hug. Therefore, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around your waist, allowing his head to rest on your shoulders.

However, you kept your arms open and let out a cute laugh. "I wanted you to take me out of the water!"

If you walked on the sand your feet would have been like glue on the sand, picking up every little pebble.

Wonwoo chuckled softly, tightening his arms around your waist. "You should have spoken then, who would have guessed that you didn't want a hug?"

He shifted one of his arms below your knees and lifted you bridal style, out of the wet sand. With you in his arms, he walked slowly, further from the water and forward, with the soft sand beneath his feet.

"Today's the last day of summer," Wonwoo said quietly, looking forward, at the seemingly endless rows of sand and water. "Is there anything you want to do?"

With your arms around his shoulders, your head resting on the side of his shoulder, near his chest, your head searched through your bucket list. You had so many things you wanted to do with Wonwoo, walking with him along the beach at sunrise was only one of them.

"How about you?" You asked, looking up at him. You brought one of your hands to his face, caressing his cheek. The wind was slowly drying up your foot. "What do you want to do?"

"Me?" Wonwoo paused and you could see the reflection of the dazzling sunrise in his clear glasses. There was a small silence with just the crashing waves, rustling of trees, and blowing wind. "I guess I never really thought about it. I just want to be with you and do things with you, no matter what it is."

His candy words made your insides tingly and your heart full with fluttering butterflies as you let out sweet giggles, burying your head in his shoulder with shyness. You wondered how he could say something so sweet while maintaining such indifferent expressions.

Wonwoo smiled at your response.

After your cute meltdown, you looked up at him. "Then tell the world that. Tell the world right now that 'I want to be with Y/N and do things with Y/N, no matter what it is'."

Wonwoo gently put you down, your feet no longer wet.

"Okay," Wonwoo said, walking somewhere.

You expected him to shout to the sea, expressing his love, but he didn't. He ran to the place where you two left your shoes, opposite the shore. You were a bit worried that he'd run off with your love but you knew he wasn't that kind of person, it was either that he was being serious or he was playing a joke.

Before you were able to start running after him, Wonwoo began running back with something in his hands. The sun was continuing to rise. You never saw him seem so rushed.

"What did you get?" You asked.

While panting, Wonwoo held up a stick. "A pencil."

You didn't get to ask any more questions because Wonwoo had begun using his 'pencil' to draw on the sand. First, he sketched a large heart around you, who was frozen, standing still and watching him as he drew on the sand.

Each stroke he made was careful. He knew that he had bad handwriting so he was trying his best to make it look beautiful, to match the beautiful you. Since you two were on the ground, you both couldn't see that the heart Wonwoo drew was lopsided, you two were just caught up in the moment.

"I can't write a poem on this sandy canvas," Wonwoo said, adjusting his glasses as he bent down to write more letters with his large stick. "But I can write this declaration of my love to you."

You walked out of the heart and next to him who was standing proudly by the letters engraved in the sand. As you read the sentence, you couldn't help but smile.

"You didn't write 'I want to be with Y/N and do things with Y/N, no matter what it is'," You said softly, wrapping your arm around his back, grinning ear to ear from joy. It didn't actually matter that he didn't write that.

"I did, just simpler."

With a heart all around, the words 'I LOVE YOU Y/N' were written on the sand.

Right before the end of sunrise, you two looked at each other, smiling. You had to tell him, "I love you too, Wonwoo."

Under the summer light, with the last summer breeze, you two shared a sweet kiss, in the remembrance of this beautiful summer that you two spent together.

Wonwoo couldn't help but wonder, 'How lucky am I?'

To have the beautiful you by his side, on this last day of summer, sharing this romantic memory, felt almost like a dream.

He wanted to call your name again and say those three words over and over.

It wasn't just going to be summer.

Whether it was fall, winter, spring, summer, Wonwoo couldn't wait to love you through all the seasons again and again.

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