5: Hoshi - Dancing in the "Rain"

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You and Soonyoung looked at each other, holding two different plants while squatting close to the ground.

It was a way for you two to comfort and encourage each other to continue pulling out dandelion and white clover weeds from your blossoming garden.

As if by the count of three, you and Soonyoung began pulling the plants. The squat was making your legs burn and you continued your attempt at plucking the stubborn dandelion; eventually causing you to fall backward flatly, your bum hitting the grassy floor of your backyard. Laying in your gloved hands were ripped leaves, yellow dandelion flowers, and stems with no roots attached.

Contradicting your failure, you heard a squeal of success from Soonyoung. He had been quiet throughout the entire weeding hour, only talking small bits and complaining. Soonyoung held up the roots of the dandelion while screeching in happiness.

You turned to see him laying down on the grass with the dandelions clutched in his hand, his arm that held the dandelions was raised high, like he was showing the unsupportive sky and burning weather of his achievements.

"God, I thought I would never get one of those mean things out of the ground... I always thought they looked a bit cute but sheesh!!!" Soonyoung shouted, finally letting his hands fall onto the cool green grass. "When can we stop this torturous weeding? I mean, it's the last day of summer, can't we spend today doing something fun, unlike weeding??"

Soonyoung sat up and began to sulk while placing the weeds he yanked into a plastic bag. His legs were spread out in front of him and his fluffy, disheveled hair reminded you of a hamster.

"I want to do something else too," You replied. "But I'm afraid that when your mother comes to visit next week, the garden would look too unnatural."

Soonyoung was panting as he crawled over to you, who was still sitting flatly on your bum.

"Aren't you hot?" Soonyoung asked, barely able to open his eyes because of the blinding sunlight. On this awfully hot final day of summer, Soonyoung just wanted to jump inside a pool.

You nodded in response to his question, staring absentmindedly at the dandelions you pulled. "Of course I am hot, the weather is like a lava pit."

Soonyoung nodded in agreement. "Then why did you have to pick this special day out of all days to pick weeds??"

You turned to him and felt like you wanted to cry, not literally, of course, you were just feeling whiny, so, you threw your head against Soonyoung's shoulder.

"I just wish that rain will fall today..." You mumbled to yourself, loud enough for your boyfriend to overhear the small comment.

You jolted up and stood, placing your hands on your hips. You adjusted your hat and looked down at your boyfriend, who was staring up at you curiously.

"I'll go inside and get some water..." You said, determined for nothing.

You didn't want to pick weeds but the look of the overgrowing dandelions was constantly bugging you like a leech telling you to get rid of it. So, on this blazing ending day of summer, you decided that you couldn't take the messy lawn any longer.

After grabbing two cups of cold water, the moment you stepped outside, you were surprised to see Soonyoung waiting for you. You handed him the cold mug without a word but he didn't drink any, only set it down on the backyard stairs, and took your hand.

"I have something to show you."

"All of a sudden??" You asked, placing down the cup, swallowing the last of the freezing water as he took you away.

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