Chapter 2

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" Hey, how did things go with Randy last night?" asked Eve.

"It went good. We hung out at the arcade for a couple hours, we went to go get something to eat, he drove me home and then we---" said Kelly.

"KISSED?!?!??" yelled Eve.

" No! We exchanged phone numbers." said Kelly.

" Oh..... AND THEN YOU KISSED?!?!?" said Eve.

"NOO!!" yelled Kelly.


" What did you do last night?" asked Lita.

" I went out with Chris." said Trish.

" Really? I thought you liked Jeff." asked Lita.

" I do, but I thought that going out with Chris would make Jeff jealous." said Trish.

" Oh, smart!" said Lita.

" Yeah, so, what did you do last night?" asked Trish.

"I went out." she said.

" With who?" asked Trish.

"Adam." Lita said.

" Seriously?!!?" said Trish.


" I had so much fun last night!" exclaimed AJ.

" What did you do?" asked Phil.

" I went out with John! He is so nice! In fact, we are going out again tonight!" said AJ.

" That's cool." said Phil, who was trying not to seem jealous.

" Yeah, well I gotta go. Mickie and I are going to the mall so I can get a new outfit  for tonight." said Aj as she walked off.

" Bye!" said Phil.

Jeff walked up behind him," I thought you and her were a thing."

" Nahhh, we're just friends. I'm glad she's found someone that is right for her." Phil said sadly.

" Don't worry, maybe they're just becoming close friends. And I heard he likes Mickie." said Jeff.

" Alright, that's gotta suck for you too." said Phil.

" Yeah it does, but ya know, you don't always get what you want." Jeff said trying not to look sad.

" Hey, maybe you and I could go be sad together at the mall, right now?" said Phil.

" But, Mickie and AJ are going to be there." said Jeff.

" Exactly!!" said Phil.


" I think I'm starting to like that girl Kelly." said Randy.

" You are? I heard you and her were at the arcade last night." said John.

" Yeah we--- wait. I didn't tell anyone about that." said Randy looking at John with a weird look on his face.

" I saw you guys there....." said John.

" Really? Where you there with anyone?" asked Randy.

"No." said John.

" I know you're lying." said Randy.

" Okay...... I was there with AJ." confessed John.


" Last night was fun." Lita said.

" Yeah, maybe we could do it again sometime." said Adam.

" Yes, I would love that. I have to go, Bye." said Lita as she hung up.

Shortly after Adam put his phone down, it rang.

"Hello?" he asked.

" Hey it's Chris, guess what?"

"What?" asked Adam.

" I went on a date with Trish last night." Chris said.

" Trish? The Trish that you have obsessed over for like a year?" asked Adam.

" Yup!" said Chris.


Jeff was walking around trying to find Phil when he bumped into Mickie.

" Hey, sorry about that." said Jeff.

" Don't worry, it's fine." said Mickie.

" Okay." Jeff said as he was about to walk away.

" What are you doing here?" asked Mickie.

" I'm just looking for Phil." he said.

" Alright. Hey, have you seen AJ." she asked.

" Nope, sorry." Jeff said.

" It's okay." Mickie said and then she walked away.

Trish had been watching them the whole time but hadn't heard what they were saying." They were totally flirting, damnit! I should have done something!" she said to herself.

" Who are you talking to?" asked AJ, who had been behind her.

" No one." said Trish as she walked away quickly. She pulled out her phone and called Chris.

" Hello?" said Chris.

"Hey it's Trish. We should go out again tonight."

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