Chapter 6

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" Sooooooo, wanna go out again, tonight?" John asked.

AJ saw Phil watching them out of the corner of her eye. " Yes, of course! I would love to!!!"

" Okay," John was confused, he didn't think AJ would be so excited about a date. " How about we meet up at the movies at about 6?"

" Okay!!! I gotta go, see you then!!!" AJ walked away. She was walking towards Phil when he yelled hey at someone. He ran up to a black haired girl and hugged her as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend. AJ's eyes filled up with tears and she ran off. She turned to corner and ran into Mickie.

" AJ? What's wrong?" asked Mickie.

" Phil, he's with some girl....." AJ said sadly.

" Really?"  asked Mickie.

" Yeah, they're over there." said AJ. Mickie walked around the corner and saw Phil and some girl holding hands.


" Hey Adam!" Lita said as him and her hugged.

" How are you?" asked Adam.

" I'm better now that I'm with you." Lita smiled.

" Sooooo, how about we go to the arcade tonight?" asked Adam.

" Sure, that would be fun!" said Lita happily.


" Okay, see you tonight." Trish said miserably to Chris. They both walked away from each other. When Trish turned the corner, she saw Jeff on the phone.

" Yeah, I'll see you tonight at the arcade." Jeff said to Eve over the phone. Jeff hung up.

" Hey, who were you talking to?" asked Trish.

" I thought you weren't allowed around me?" said Jeff.

" I'm not, but he's not around right now." Trish smiled.

" I bet he looks really funny with all those bruises on his face." laughed Jeff.

"Yeah he----- wait. You're not his friend, how did you know about his bruises?" asked Trish.

" I saw him this morning." said Jeff.

" Oh okay." said Trish.

" I gotta go." Jeff walked away. Trish sighed and walked the other direction only to see Chris standing there with an angry look on his face and his fists clenched. He grabbed her by the arm and took her to his car.


" Randy, we need to talk." said Kelly with her arms crossed.

" About what?" asked Randy.

" About us. I like you a lot, but you don't seem to care. So just tell me, was this a waste of time or do you really like me?" said Kelly.

" I do really like you, I just." Randy paused.

"You just what?" asked Kelly angrily.

" I'm just scared to ask you to be my girlfriend." confessed Randy. Kelly uncrossed her arms and smiled, then they kissed.


" You've been acting weird lately." said Mickie.

" What are you talking about? I haven't been acting weird." said Eve.

" Yes you have. What's going on?" asked Mickie.

" Nothing, I'm not in a secret relationship, what are you talking about?" Eve said.

" What?" said Mickie.

" Nothing." Eve was about to walk away when Mickie stopped her.

" Did you hear?" asked Mickie.

" Hear what?" asked Eve.

" Paige is back........" Mickie said.


Adam and Lita walked into the arcade. They got some soda and went to play a game together. Lita looked to the right and saw Jeff and Eve laughing and flirting. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of them. She sent the picture to Trish.

Trish had just got home from her "date" with Chris. She went to her room and jumped on her bed. She pulled out her phone and checked her messages. She saw the picture and burst into tears.

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