Chapter 9

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" Hey Jeff," said Phil.

Jeff looked up quickly, " Oh, hey Phil."

" How's it going?" asked Phil.

" Good, I guess." Jeff glanced at his phone and frowned.

"What's wrong?" asked Phil

" Trish, she won't reply to me." said Jeff sadly.

" Maybe her phone is broken." said Phil.

" Yeah, maybe." said Jeff.

" Don't worry about it dude." said Phil.

" I heard about you and AJ." said Jeff.

" Yup, I'm so happy we are finally together!" said Phil.

" What about John though?" asked Jeff.

" I heard that he went on a date with Eve last night." said Phil.

" Really? He moved on that fast?" asked Jeff.

"I guess so. I gotta go, I'm hanging out with AJ at the mall in a little bit." Phil walked off.

" Bye." said Jeff. He sighed and checked his phone to see that Trish still hadn't replied.


" So, you went on a date with John last night?" asked Kelly.

" Yeah, it was great." Eve said smiling.

" Have you talked to Jeff at all?" asked Kelly.

" No, we haven't talked for a couple days." said Eve.

" Okay." said Kelly.

" How are you and Randy?" asked Eve.

" Great! He's such an amazing guy." said Kelly.


" Hey Mickie!" said AJ.

" Hey! How are you?" asked Mickie.

" I'm great! Me and Phil are dating!" said AJ.

" Really? That's great!" said Mickie.

" How are you?" asked AJ.

" Good." said Mickie.

" Is something bothering you?" asked AJ.

" Yeah." said Mickie.

" What's wrong?" asked AJ.

" Jeff, we haven't talked since I told him that I liked him." said Mickie.

" Oh, well try to talk to him. Maybe he's just scared to start the conversation? I have to go, I'm meeting Phil in a while." said AJ as she walked off.


" Hey Chris." said Randy.

" Sup Randy?" said Chris.

" Not much and you?" asked Randy.

" Not much either." said Chris.

" How are you and Trish?" asked Randy.

" We are great." said Chris.

"I've been noticing a lot of bruises on her. Do you know how she got them?" said Randy.

" Nope. She won't tell me anything. Everytime I ask, she just changes the subject." said Chris trying not to seem nervous.

" Well, if we ever find out who is giving them to her, we are defiently gonna have to do something about it, if ya know what I mean." said Randy.

" Of course, I'm dying to get my hands on whoever is hurting her." said Chris.

" Yeah." said Randy.

" How are you and Kelly?" asked Chris.

" We are doing good." said Randy.


"I heard you and Eve went on a date last night." said Adam.

"Yup, it was awesome." said John.

" What happened between you and AJ?" asked Adam.

" She left me for Phil, but I don't care. It helped me realize how much I love Eve." said John.

" That's great dude. I'm happy you found someone right for you." said Adam.

" How are you and Lita?" asked John.

" We are great, still haven't asked her out though." said Adam.

" Why not?" asked John.

" Everytime I try she runs off." said Adam.


" Hey Lita." said Trish.

" Trish!" said Lita.

" How are you?" asked Lita.

" Uhhhhh, okay." said Trish.

" What's wrong?" asked Lita.

" Haven't talked to Jeff in a while. He's texted me but I don't know if I want to reply or not." said Trish.

Paige walked up to them. " I don't think you should even reply, he's been kinda busy."

" With what?" asked Lita.

"" said Paige.

Jeff ran up to them. " What are you talking about!??!?!"

" Don't even try to keep it a secret Jeff." said Paige.

Trish started to cry and Lita stood in front of her. " What the hell is your problem? You know what Paige did to Trish, but you still kiss her?!??! Trish really cares about you, and you're just gonna play with her emotions like that!"

" I didn't....... I........ SHE KISSED ME! I PUSHED HER AWAY AND THEN WALKED AWAY!" said Jeff.

By then a crowd had started to form around them. Paige stood there with a smug look on her face. "You don't need to lie Jeff. We all know it was more than that."

"Why do you have to be such a jerk!?!?" said Lita.

" Trish you know me, I would never do anything to hurt you or anyone you care about." said Jeff.

Trish looked up. " Yeah sure. That's why you attacked Chris last week."

The crowd had gotten bigger and everyone was looking at him as if he were a monster. He turned around and ran off. He ran and ran until he was far away from everyone. He stopped to take a breath and saw the empty arcade. He walked in and sat in the vacated corner. He sat there and thought about everything Lita said to him and the looks on the faces of everyone that was there to hear what he had done.

" Are you okay Jeff?" said a familiar voice. He turned around quickly to see Mickie standing there.

"Not really....." said Jeff.

" How about we go to the movies or something, I bet that would make you feel better." said Mickie. Before he could even reply she grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the arcade.

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