Chapter 5

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"So, do we both understand this deal?" asked Eve.

" Yeah, keep this a secret, and once one of the people that we like is single then we go our seperate ways." said Jeff.

" Well I gotta go, bye." Eve walked out of the arcade.

Jeff stayed there for about 15 minutes then left. He walked out of the arcade. He looked at his phone, it was about 9 pm. He saw Trish turning the corner.

"Trish!!!" he yelled as he ran after her. When he turned the corner he saw Trish get into Chris' car and them speed off down the street.


" What did you do last night?" asked AJ.

" Well I, I went out with Jeff. Right Jeff?" said Phil.

"Oh, yeah. We went to the movies." said Jeff.

" Me and Randy were there and I didn't see you guys there." said Kelly.

" We went really late at night." said Phil.

" Oh okay." said AJ.


" You and Chris are together already? Don't you think you two should have gone on a couple more dates?" said Lita.

" Yeah, but he is nice to me. Anyways what's up with you and Adam?" asked Trish.

" We are just taking things slow." said Lita.

" Okay. Do you know why Jeff was at the arcade for like 5 hours yesterday?" asked Trish.

" Nope, maybe he was on a date or something?" said Lita.

"Okay." Trish said trying not to seem jealous.


"So, can I ask you something?" asked Mickie.

" Sure. " said Phil.

" Do you like AJ?" asked Mickie.

" Well I......" Phil paused.


" So, do you want to go out to dinner tonight?" asked Randy.

" Sure." said Kelly.

" Okay, everyone thinks we are gonna be girlfriend and boyfriend. They're crazy huh?" said Randy.

" Yeah, sure." Kelly was trying not to look uncomfortable with what Randy had just said.


Chris was walking down the street to his house when someone came up behind him and attacked him. He was beaten until he was spitting out blood and had bruises all over his face.

" Now you know how she felt when you hit her." The attacker yelled at Chris.


" Sure I would love to go out with you! I'll be in town by tomorrow."

" Okay I'll see you then." said Phil.

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