Chapter 8

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"I heard what happened last night...." said AJ.

"You did?" asked Phil.

"Yeah, I can't believe Paige actually likes Jeff." AJ said.

" Yeah, me either." said Phil.

"But you two are still friends right?" asked AJ.

"Of course! Me and Paige only dated for like a day." said Phil.

" Well, do you like anyone else?" asked AJ.

"Yeah. But she probably doesn't like me back." Phil said sadly.

" I bet she does. You're nice, funny, and handsome. Any girl would be lucky to have you." AJ said.

" I bet she does. You're nice, funny, and handsome. Any girl would be lucky to have you." AJ said.

" Thanks, I gotta go." Phil turned to walk away.

"Wait!" AJ stopped him.

"What?" Phil asked. AJ grabbed him and kissed him. John was standing a few feet away, watching with a sad look on his face. AJ pulled away and saw him.

"John......... what are you doing here?" AJ asked but John had already walked away.


"What the hell is your problem?!?!??! I told you that you weren't allowed around him!" yelled Chris.

"I...... I love him." Trish said.

"You what?!?!?!" Chris grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face against the wall. " Next time I hear that you're around him, I will give you the worst beating of your life." Then he walked away.


"Paige!!!! I'm so happy to see you!" said Kelly.

" I'm happy to see you too." said Paige.

"How have you been?" asked Kelly.

"Great, and you?" asked Paige.

"Good." said Kelly. Randy walked up to them. " Hey." said Kelly as they hugged.

"Paige, this my boyfriend Randy." said Kelly.

"Hi." said Paige. Randy waved at her.

"Well we gotta go but I'll see you around." said Kelly. Her and Randy walked off.

"Bye." Paige said. She decided to walk around. After a couple minutes she saw Jeff.

"Hey Jeff!" said Paige.

Jeff looked up. " Oh, hey." They both stood there awkwardly for a couple seconds.

"I gotta go." said Jeff as he walked away.

"Jeff." said Paige.

"What?" asked Jeff.

" I wasn't kidding about last night, I really do like you. I've liked you for 3 years...." said Paige.

"No, you don't. You're just doing this to get Trish angry. I know what happened between you and her." said Jeff.

"That was the past." said Paige.

"I have to go." said Jeff. Paige grabbed him and kissed him. Jeff pulled away quickly and walked off.


They were walking around and talking when they saw John standing there sadly.

"What's wrong?" asked Lita.

"AJ......" said John.

"What about her?" asked Adam.

"She....... she kissed Phil." John said sadly.

" Awwwww." said Lita.

"Don't worry man. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Maybe you like someone else and haven't realized it yet?" said Adam.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." said John.

"Well we gotta go." said Lita.

"Bye." said John. They walked away and he sat there and thought for a second. Then he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

" Hey Eve, could we go out on a date tonight?"

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