Chapter 7

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" Hey Lita!" said Paige.

Lita turned around and was shocked to see Paige there. "PAIGE!!" They hugged. " What are you doing back?"

" Phil convinced me to come back!" said Paige.

" Really? Are you two dating or something?" asked Lita.

" Yeah we are, but we are gonna try to keep it a secret for a while." said Paige.

" Okay, your secret is safe with me! I thought you would never come back after what happened between you and Trish." said Lita.

" Yeah, I didn't think I would come back either. I'm gonna try to avoid her for now." said Paige.


" I know your secret." said Trish.

" What secret?" asked Jeff.

" You and Eve." said Trish.

" What? We are just friends." said Jeff.

" Yeah, sure." Trish showed Jeff the picture.

" Uhhhh, I." Jeff turned away to avoid Trish's death stare. He saw Eve peaking around the corner, watching them with a confused look on her face.

"Jeff, I love you." said Trish.

" I...... I have to go." said Jeff, about to walk away.

" Jeff,wait." Trish grabbed him by the arm but he pulled away.


" Did you hear?" asked AJ.

" Hear what?" asked John.

" Randy and Kelly are together!" said AJ.

" Really? Don't you think they should have waited a while longer?" said John.

" No, they started going on dates when we did. I think it was the perfect time for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend." AJ coughed.

"Are you okay, do you need some water?" John said concernedly.

AJ glared at him.  " You're an idiot." AJ walked away.

" I'm pretty sure she was telling you to ask her to be your girlfriend." Randy walked up behind him.

" Really?" asked John.

" Yeah." said Randy.

" I thought she was sick or something." said John.

" Wow. You are an idiot." said Randy.


" Me and Trish are doing good, how about you and Lita?" asked Chris.

" We're good. I'm planning to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight." said Adam.

" That's cool!" said Chris.


" What's up with you and Paige?" asked Mickie.

" We are just friends." said Phil.

" Sure. Soo, I haven't talked to Jeff in a while." said Mickie.

" Oh, he's been kinda busy with his new girlfriend." said Phil.

" HE HAS A GIRLFIRNED?!?!??" Mickie became angry.

" Holy crap. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone! YOU NEED TO KEEP THIS A SECRET!" Phil ran off.


" I know about you and Eve." said Lita.

" You do?" asked Jeff.

" Yes, but don't freak out. I wanted to know if you and her would like to go on a double date with me and Adam at the arcade?" asked Lita.

" Sure........ I think she'd like that." said Jeff.


Jeff, Eve, Lita, and Adam were in the arcade talking and playing games. Mickie and Trish were walking around outside.

" Let's go in the arcade and hang out." Mickie said.

" Okay." said Trish.

They walked in and both saw Jeff and Eve together. Jeff looked up and saw them. He was shocked and somewhat scared.

" What are they doing here?" asked Eve.

" I don't know." said Jeff.

Trish and Mickie walked up to them.

On the other side of the arcade Adam was about to ask Lita to be his girlfriend. Lita saw them and ran up to them.

" TRISH!!! Don't freak out!" said Lita.

" JEFF!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!" Trish yelled at him as she held back tears.

" NOOO, I LOVE YOU MORE JEFF!!!!!" yelled Mickie. Paige had been standing by the door watching what was happening. She stormed up to them.


Jeff stood there in shock and Eve ran off with tears in her eyes.

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