Chapter 3

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"I was thinking maybe we could hang out again tonight." said Randy.

" I would like that." Kelly said.

" Okay, how about we go to the movies or something." Said Randy.

"Yes!! There's a new movie out that I really wanna see, it's called A Haunted House." Kelly said.

" I'll find out when it starts." Randy said.

" Okay, bye." said Kelly as she hung up.


Jeff sees Trish walking by and goes up to her to say hi.

" Hey Trish!"

Trish could tell it was Jeff just by his voice so she turned around excitedly, "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked.

" I'm here with Phil, but I lost him." Jeff said.

" Oh that sucks." she said.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?" asked Jeff.

"I'm just waiting for Lita, did you hear that her and Adam went on a date yesterday?" Trish said.

" Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, she told me this morning." Trish said.

" That's cool." he said.

Trish got a text and looked at it for a few seconds. "Well, I gotta go. Lita is here and I have a date in 3 hours." Trish ran off.

"A date with who?" yelled Jeff.

" Chris!!!" she yelled back.


" How did he react? " Mickie asked.

"Well it's either he didn't care or he is really good at hiding his jealousy." said AJ sadly.

" Well just try to drag this thing out longer, the closer you and John get, the more it will affect Phil." said Mickie.

" Okay. And if Phil really doesn't care after a while, I might just stay John. He's actually not that bad." said AJ.


" I heard you and AJ went on a date yesterday." Eve said, trying not to sound jealous.

" Yeah it was great, we are going out again tonight. It felt good to hang out with AJ, I've been so caught up in trying to date Mickie I forgot about all the other girls out there that are just as good as her." he said.

"That's great, I gotta go, bye." Eve hang up. " I've loved you for forever, why can't you see that." Eve said to herself as she fell onto her bed.


" I got another date with Trish!" said Chris happily.

" I'm not trying to ruin your happiness but I heard she is only going on dates with you to get Jeff jealous." said Adam.

"Haha!! You're funny!" laughed Chris.

"I'm not joking, Lita told me." Adam said.

Chris's smile turned to a frown.


They were outside Trish's house in Chris' car at the end of their date.

" I heard you're just using me to get Jeff jealous." said Chris angrily.

" What are you talking about?" asked Trish trying to seem innocent.

"DON'T YOU LIE TO ME!!" Chris hit Trish in the face twice.

Trish sat there trying not to cry. Blood started to drip from her mouth.

"You're not going to tell anyone about this!! And we will continue to go on dates, Do you hear me!?!?!" Chris screamed at Trish. Trish nodded with a terrified look on her face.

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