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          He looks down from Heaven to the place where he once, for a while, called home. Not really the place, but once in his life he lived there with a pale white boy with a long, auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes. The said boy was his home. And he wish he still is.

          Kai spent all his time crying himself to sleep in Taemin's room, on Taemin's bed, wearing Taemin's favorite pair of pajamas. Surrounding himself in everything that once possessed by Taemin, even his personal smell of warm vanilla. He didn't even attended his funeral. It's painful enough to know that Taemin died to save him much more to see him go down six feet under. He died on the top of his lungs, in his arms. The coldness of his body sipping on his skin. He can still feels it. He can't shake his lifeless face from his head even though he looks so peaceful then. It's haunting him. He can't forgive himself. He knows Minho only did the right thing so he doesn't blame him that much. He blames himself for loving Taemin and letting Taemin loved him back. But it's already done, he cant take it back. So he let himself fall in a dreamless sleep.

              When he woke up, he was no longer in his lover's room. He squint his eyes, he's surrounded by bright light, and fluffy clouds. Everything seems peaceful and white. And he knows he's back to where he was originally from. His home. But he doesn't think he belongs here, he doesn't feel that he does. Not with a heavy heart full of sorrow and pain and longing and regret. Heaven should heal him, that's their job. To heal every soul, to take them away from pain. So he wonders why he still is hurting. Maybe this is his punishment. So he spend his time in Heaven looking down to Earth. Reminiscing and regretting. Crying until there is no tears to spill.

            Minho is back with him. But he doesn't talk to him that much. Sometimes he just sits next to him and watch down in silence like him. Sometimes he hears him apologize and cry but he's too busy wallowing in his own self pity to care so he just pretends that he doesn't hear him. Until now, as Kai plays with the clouds under him as he sits on them. Pulling and shredding little pieces of it as he's once again let himself to be lost in his own world.

            Minho sits besides him, he seems to be talking, his hands moving animatedly and different emotions crosses his face but Kai doesn't hear him. Doesn't acknowledge his presence. Until the name his heart is been painfully screaming since the start came out from Minho's lips, did he looked up and pay attention. Or he tried to, coz the sound of the name is still ringing in his ears and head, blocking every information he needs to know.

             Minho pulls him into a tight hug, all of a sudden, his body shaking. Kai thinks his laughing, and he is. He wonders why. Until a scent reaches his nose. It's familiar. It's relaxing and warm like the smell of home. Home. And that struck him, awakening his senses. Warm vanilla. The scent hits his nose and he knows that it's warm vanilla. He push Minho away, looking everywhere. Searching for a head of auburn hair and pale white skin on the white clouds and bright lights.

            And true to his eyes, there he is. With his warm smile making Kai smile as well. Their brown eyes met and Kai hurriedly sprint into a run. He didn't realize that he was crying as he runs to him. And when he reach him, he pulls him in a dead grip embrace. Trying to feel every curve and deep of the other boy's body. Feeling his body heat that is sipping in his skin. Kai is sobbing hard as the boy grips the back of his shirt, still smiling.

         He's back. Taemin is back to be with him forever. He holds him even more tightly, scared that he might slip away or maybe this is just a dream. But it isn't, as Taemin slightly pulls back to look at him and smiles. Their lips touching and Kai swears he feels Taemin's heartbeat on his chest as he kisses him harder, deepening their kiss coz it feels so long and overdue since he last kissed him. And when they pulled apart to breath the smile is still there. Reflecting each other's feelings. And there is no words coming out from Taemin's mouth but it still made him cry and he connect their lips again. Coz words are over rated, and you don't need them when your hearts are the one who's doing the talking. The look in each other's eyes and the smile on each other's lips and the warmth of each other's touch are more than enough to say what words cannot express.

          Kai realize that maybe his real mission on Earth was to come and find Taemin, to save them both from their own evils. And everything was a final test, and they did passed. And now they have forever to spent. Heaven feels heaven again with Taemin. He finally found his real home.

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