Chapter 2

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         Waking up as the sun's rays bath the room. Groaning as he sits up. Rubbing the last drop of sleepiness off his eyes. Stretching his arms up to start off the day. His long brown hair falls down on his shoulder messily. Beautifully, if you'll ask the person watching him secretly. He yawn, showing the watcher the insides of his mouth. Lips stretch up to it's fullest, white pearls of teeth showing off, pink tongue dancing inside. He licks his chopped lips, spreading hot wetness all over it. Every move he makes are watch intently, even the slight move of his long lashes.

     "Good morning sleeping beauty" A deep voice greeted him. Looking up, warm blood swim up the beauty's cheeks instantly, warming it and dusting it with pink blush. His eyes meets a dark gaze, smirk forming on the others thick, full lips. Drowning him in his reverie. There's something in it that's pulling him. Maybe that's the reason why he helped this guy on the first place. "Those brown orbs.."

     "Staring is rude" Kai said, a smirk once again forming on his lips. As his voice reach up Taemin's ear, another set of warm blood heated his cheeks.

     "G-good morning, K-kai-shii" He stuttered. He used formal honorific so he wouldn't be rude but he thinks Kai just shrugged it off. As he looks at Kai once again, only just now he realize that Kai is still naked, not so much though. Half of his body is covered by a white towel covering his private parts. But showing off some smooth skin just above the knee. His raven black hair is covering his right eye, cold water dripping from his hair down to his smooth tanned chest and to his perfect abs. It looks like he just got done showering. It's a very nice thing to see to start the morning. Some part of Taemin's mind said, half of him disagreeing to the thought while the other half is cheering for it. Karakas in hand while screaming it repeatedly.

         He looks down, averting his eyes to the sin in front of him. He can feel his cheeks hot but it cannot be compared by the hot gaze Kai is giving him. He burry his face on his hands, trying to hide his embarrassment. He heard Kai chuckles. He can almost hear the smirk forming on his lips again.

       "You're so cute, Tae. Very." That statement only doubles his embarrassment. Saying a silent "No" that he bet Kai didn't hear as he was now busy shuffling in Taemin's closet to find something to wear. Being naked in front of Taemin isn't a bad idea, teasing the other is a very nice thing to do. Kai chuckled at his own thought.

       "You don't mind me burrowing this,right?" He got a black skinny jeans in hand and a grey wife beater on the other. Taemin is kinda smaller than him so he chose to get what he thinks the biggest pair of clothes he have. Hearing a soft "No" from the owner he slips off the towel from his waist. Hearing a soft gasp, he laughs.

      "You should be use to this Tae." He said teasingly. He can imagine the dust of pink creeping up on the other boy's cheeks. He slips in the skinny jeans, shaping his ass perfectly.

      "You should've told me you're a stripper before I took you home!" Taemin yelled, flustered. Kai just laugh.

       "I'm not, but I can be just for you" he said, his deep voice full of mischievousness. Taemin once again hide his face but now on the pillow, silencing his groan of frustration.

       "You already are, pabo!" He looks up, his face red as a tomato. Kai doesn't know if it's because of the embarrassment or because he's mad. Maybe both. He watch in amusement as the boy pout. Cute, he thought. How can someone be so angelic when he's not even one. He looks more angelic than the angels I know. He chuckles.

      "What are you laughing at?" Taemin glares at him, he just smirk. Then Taemin just ended up pouting again with his reaction.

       It's been 43,200 seconds since they met. Not that Taemin is counting it, not really. No. He just..It just came suddenly in his mind. Yes, that's his excuse. He never thought that he would be comfortable already with Kai, not that he's really comfortable when the other guy acts like a stripper in a club every now and then. He should be talking with him in a formal way but Kai seems to drop the honorifics so he followed as well. He looks at his clock beside the bed. 8:30am, he woke up early for a Saturday. He looks around to see he's alone in his room. Figuring that maybe Kai is just roaming inside the house, he jump off the bed and went to shower. Thinking what more he needs to expect with Kai around.


           After getting dress. Kai took off. He needs to find it. He needs to be done on whatever he needs to do so he can go back home. Home. The place where he was always been ignored, always the outcast just because he's different. He's the black sheep. Literally, he's the only one who have dark skin. All of them are pale white. Like porcelain doll, and Kai do feel like he's living with dolls. All are watch, controlled by someone they didn't even know the face. Except for him. Maybe that's the reason they excluded him, 'cause he's a lower rank but he already saw what their God looks like. He wonders how can be a place so holly and well-liked to be like that, a paradise for others but a hell for him. That's why he rebels. They said he's bad, a mistake, so he became what they think he is. An embarrassment for their kind, and now they detest him because he did what they believe he is? Kai doesn't know what to do. He's trying to be as good as them but he doesn't want to be a doll. A puppet for them to play. He wants freedom, and that is what he will get.

         He walks on and on in the busy streets of Seoul. Trying to find what he is looking for to start his mission. Damn. Are they that hard to find? Of course not, every where he looks there are sinners so that means they are everywhere. But why can't he find even a single one? That only means he's weak, right? Frustration and doubt are bubbling inside him. He needs to find them, even just one for tonight just to make a progress. He looks harder. Hope dying inside him for every second that pass. His mouth dry. Sweats are forming on his forehead. Tears of frustration are threatening to fall from his eyes.

        And just before the bubble inside him burst, he spotted one behind a very rich looking man. Jackpot! He approach them slowly so he won't get their attention but fast enough so that he won't loose them. He smirk as he ready himself for what will happen, he can feel his skin warming up again. His back itching for something that needs to be out. His feet went fast on every step until he was running. His target noticed him, their eyes met, the time stops around them. And for a glimpse of second he already have a hold on his weapon, the thing on his back was released. He can see the fear in his opponents eyes. He licks his lips because tonight he knows he's already on his tracks to go back to heaven.


       Chapter 2 is done! I know it sucks but it's just a bridge so that I can pass on and move on to the other more important part of the story. Sorry if it's short. I'll update soon don't worry. I really love this story so I really want to finish this.

Anyways, do you already have a clue what Kai is? I wish it isn't that confusing coz I'll die if it is. I don't know if I should tell you or not. I didn't even wrote it in the description. I thought it would be fun if you guys should guess it yourself. I'm sorry!!! but I hope I describe Kai well enough.. ㅠㅠ

this is still dedicated to my BFF! i love you!

I hope you enjoyed! Please don't judge me~

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