Chapter 4

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       Walking home, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. his body is still hot and damp with sweat. His raven  hair is sticking up messily like a bird nest on the top of his head. He skips the street like a crazy kid, Cheshire smile plastered on his handsome face like he have won a million dollar. Dancing with every step, he screams like there's no tomorrow. He doesn't give a fuck that it's midnight and he's growling like a wolf, disturbing the slumbering souls. He really have won anyway, but not a million dollar though but it's more worth it. Yes, he have won his first fight and he feels like he had his first step on the stairway to heaven.

           His feet moves on it's own. His attention far away from where he was walking cause damn, his brain is partying and all his nerve cells are on a victory dance, his stomach flips, maybe it's doing a break dance. He laughs at his own nonsense thoughts. He closed his eyes and takes a deep breath, dragging the cold winter air in his lungs. As he opens it again, he saw that he was already standing in front of his house--no, cut that. It's Taemin's house. "Taemin." He remembers that he didn't bid the beautiful boy goodbye before he went out to hunt. He sighs. "I hope he isn't mad at me."

       He opens the gate and walk towards the front door. Should he knock? Is Taemin still awake? A lot of questions bombards his head. But he decided to just open it anyway. He slowly takes hold on the knob but before he can open it he heard sobs and heavy breathing. His heart started to pump hard and fast. He quickly opens the front door but all he can see is black. The room is in dull darkness. The street light from the outside only illuminates half of the living room, ending on the back of the leather couch. He closed the door behind him. He doesn't want the harsh winter air to come in. The room was consumed by darkness once again.

           He walks in further, his eyes are adjusting slowly in the dark. The sniffing and sobbing sounds are becoming louder. "Hello?" he called, no one answers him but a shuffling sound. He walks further, ending him to stand by the back of the couch. He can see a moving silhouette on it. A much smaller figure is wrapped in sheets, moving slowly. "Hello?" he tries again. The mummy--that what he calls it--moves again, turning to face him, maybe? He can't see it clearly. "K-kai?" He heard a small voice, quiet enough that he didn't almost hear it. He moves closer to the form. He knows who it is.

           Seeing that the latter is struggling to be free from the sheets, he made him stop. He put his hands on the latter's shoulder, silently asking him to stop. He did. The latter's face was covered by sheets and by his silky long hair. He brushed it away, his fingers touched a wet surface. He raise his perfect eyebrow questioningly, like the latter can actually see it. "Tae? are you.." Before he can finish, Taemin is once again squirming in his hold. Trying to free himself from the sheet or maybe from Kai.

           "Taemin, stop" And once again he did stop. Tightening his hold on the latter's shoulder he tries to ask again but Taemin spoke first before he could.

           "Where did you went to?" His voice have a hint of irritation? worry? sadness? relief? but his shyness can still be heard in it. Kai swallowed a lump in his throat, he knows that question will come but he didn't know what answer he should give. Cold air surrounding them. "Tae..I.." his words are left hanging in the air. No words come out from them, only silence. They stayed like that for a while, just staring at each other.

       Then Taemin starts to wriggles again. "Evil sheets..I can't.." he heard him mumble under his breath. He just chuckles and help the smaller boy to free himself. They twist and turn, cold hands against the tight grip of the sheets. The tense atmosphere dispersed suddenly, unnoticeably. After they free him, Taemin pants, his eyes droopy. He's tired from waiting, and crying, and freeing himself from those evil sheets are just a plus. He can feel his eyes closing for every second that pass, but before it can be shut he heard a voice and a cold, strong hands surrounds his hips and shoulders. He felt his feet breaks contact from the ground as a strong and warm chest cushion his sleepy head. "You're tired Tae, let's sleep".

       As Kai lays him on the soft sheet of his bed, he felt a pair of warm lips touch his forehead, followed by a soft whisper "I'm sorry I made you cry Taeminnie". Taemin blush, "So he knows it after all". His mind screams for him to object, butterflies once again storms in his stomach as his cheeks felt warm with too much blood circulating in. But he's too tired to do anything. He will just surrenders for now. He'll get back to him later. That was his last thoughts as his mind slips into unconsciousness.

          Kai just looks at the angel-like beside him. Feeling him shivers from the cold, he pulls the smaller boy closer. Surrounding him with sheets and his strong arms. Sharing his body heat to the boy. Taemin snuggles closer. He smiles as he close his eyes. Well, this is closer to heaven, his Heaven.

         Questions rush in his head again, would he stay? How can heaven exist somewhere outside the real Heaven? Questions about what is right and what is wrong came in his head but lulls him to sleep later on.


         Weeks had passed since they met. They have grown comfortable with each other. Sometimes Kai walks Taemin to school, or picks him after. Kai still hunts. Taemin knows about his disappearing everyday when he's in school but he doesn't say anything about it. He knows Kai is different, but doesn't know exactly what he is. He's not scared to ask, he's just waiting for Kai to say it himself. He doesn't want to seem nosey. Taemin sighs. Today is one of the days that Kai didn't pick him up from school. He's gone again, doing some errands or something. He sighs again. He's curious, so damn curious, and worried too. Not for himself though. But for Kai. What if that brat is a member of some dangerous group? Or a mafia? or an alien from a far far away planet that even Scientist  doesn't know that exist? That explains the lights and all the weird things that happened when he found him. What if he's really a stripper that's why he always come home late at night or early in the morning? Or maybe he's all of that. A teenage Mafia-alien that works as a stripper in a club? That doesn't makes sense! Taemin facepalm. Slapping himself inside his head. Trying to make coherent thoughts. "All I know is that, Kai is different. He's not like me..or anyone I know. He's weird and he have some virus that he rubbed on me that's why I feel weird when he's around...weird feeling? What is that weird feeling anyway?". He concluded that every time he figured something about the latter a new problem occurs. He's like a maze, a puzzle. He sighs for the umpteenth time.

             He skips his way out the school ground, mind drifting else where. He didn't notice as a tall man pulls a stop in front of him. He only noticed him when his face collided on the other's broad chest. He looks up, embarrassed, as two-big-froggy eyes also stare down at him. Worry in his eyes.

       "You okay Tae?" deep voice asked him. Big hands ruffling his hair.

       "M-minho hyung" He stuttered, making him more embarrass. He looks down, blushing. He heard Minho chuckles at his reaction that made him look up and pout. But before he can send him his protest the latter pinches his cheeks. Telling him how cute he is that made him pout even more. "Stop that" he slap Minho's hands away, his cheeks more flustered from the embarrassment and the pinching. Minho just smiles in reply.

        Somewhere in his vision, he sees someone looking at them. Glaring at them to be more specific. He looks at his side, that's when he see's a tan boy with dark gaze as dark as his hair now walking towards them. Taemin can't read what's the other boy's reaction but he gulp nonetheless. His breath hitch up in his throat. "K-kai" he breathed out. That's when Minho also look up to the tan boy, standing a few feet away from them, their eyes met. Kai's dark gaze holds Minho's unreadable ones. Suddenly, cold air surrounds them.


Okay, so It's been a long time since I updated. Sorry. I know this sucks very much. Anyways, Kai is an Angel. Just so you know. He's a seraph. The fiery one. And well, I included Minho though I'm not a 2MIN shipper and I don't like Minho that much. but I thought Minho would be a good challenge and I'll give him a good role. Just wait. please? Do you think this is kinda rush? I'm sorry if that's the case though. :((

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