Chapter 6

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           The sun was already set when Taemin woke up. He wipes the remaining sleepiness off his eyes. Blinking many times to adjust his eyes to his surrounding. The room was dim and empty. The night sky was dark and cloudy. He sits up on his bed. His hair falls down messily on his shoulders. He watch as the snow falls down on his windowpane. He sighs.

      He figured that Kai is out again. He felt his stomach grumble because of the lack of food, he's hungry. He push away the blanket covering half of his body and swings his feet off the side of the bed. His warm feet touched the cold wooden floor. He shivers. He stands up, sighing. He feels empty. Not just with food but with something else. His mom is out again with her friends. And he doesn't know when his dad will come home and if he will still going to. And then Kai is off to somewhere he doesn't know. He feels so cold.

        Maybe that's the reason why he's so attach with Kai, cause he's so warm. They only met 3 weeks ago but he feels like Kai knows him a lot already and he feels the same way with Kai except for some things, like what was he doing when he was out or where does he go? What's with the light and whirlwind when he first saw him? Where did he came from? Doesn't he have a family to live with? not that Taemin is complaining about Kai and him living together and sleeping in one bed. (He literally smack his head because of that thought. Blushing.)

          Thinking much about it, sleeping with Kai is not that bad. The bed was much warmer and comfortable. He even have an extra pillow to hug(Kai) and lean his head  to (Kai's chest). Aish! Lee Taemin! What you're thinking is weird!! He burry his face on his hands, feeling his hot cheeks. He can feel the butterflies rushing back in in his stomach.

           Even without Kai this weird feeling is coming in. I'm really sick, am I? He sighs. He thinks of the time Kai took him home. Was it all a dream? The teleportation, the...kiss? He sighs again. He remembered someone told him that when you sigh a lot you loose one day of your life, it was probably his friend Key. And if it was true he might die young.

            Shaking his head with that thought, he decided that just standing in the middle of his cold room won't do him good and won't do justice to his feelings and thoughts. So he turned away and started to walk off, his back facing his bed and the window. But just before he can open his bedroom door a strong wind and a blinding light went off behind him. Turning around, he cover his eyes with the back of his arm, shielding it from the light. He can feel his heart racing. Somewhere in his vision he saw a big grey feathery wings but before his mind can process what it really was, the strong wind and the light died down. The room was back to it's normal darken state making his eyes hurt a little with the fast change of lightning. Taemin blinks a few times, rubbing his eyes.

            The room is once again dark but not too cold anymore like it did when Taemin woke up. It's still quiet but he knows someone was there except for himself.

     "You saw it.." He heard a familiar voice but with an unfamiliar tone breaking the silence. His voice sounds angry, sad and...scared? "Kai..." He breathed out, he's worried but only the latter's name was all he can say. His mind not working properly like it always did when Kai is involve. He looks around the room, his eyes still not yet fully adjusting. He saw a blurry figure in the middle of the room, crouching, his back facing Taemin. He took a few steps forward towards the figure that he knows by heart that is Kai. His vision was still blurry when he stopped, standing a few steps away from the latter. "Kai..." He whispered but he knows Kai heard him. Reaching out, trying to feel the latter's hot skin on his cold hands. He just missed him for some unknown reason.

               But before he knows it, he was pushed and pinned on the wall. He can feel the tight grip on his wrists that are now pinned up on the top of his head. He looks up at Kai, his vision slowly recovering. Kai's face is unreadable, it has this dark expression on him as it always did but there's something with it too and it made Taemin's heart beats faster and break at the same time. Kai is sad. His eyes burning with anger and fear. Taemin is confuse. His brain is at mess.

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