Chapter 1

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The sun is finally setting, Taemin walks his way to his house, hoping to get home fast so that he could lay on his soft and comfortable bed to get some sleep. Today isn't that bad, if sitting in all his class and walking out like a zombie is considered good. It's just another normal and boring day. Typical for his everyday life. He sighs. Remembering that his mother is with her friends in a trip and won't be back until tomorrow night. While his dear paps is busy doing some-fucking-things-he-doesn't-give-a-damn in some part of the world he didn't even bothered to know. You can tell that Lee Taemin is just another 19 years old boy living a shitty life.

He walks down the street. His spacing out mind was interrupted by a loud piercing noise coming from a few blocks not so far away from him. Looking up while clutching his almost bleeding ears, a blinding white light came down from the sky. Taemin doesn't know what is happening. With shaking knees he run, but not to get away from the sound, the light or from the strong wind that now was sweeping up everything it can take up, blurring the way for Taemin. But he didn't stop. He's not sure what he's doing. His mind isn't clear but all he's sure of is something is pulling him to it. It might be his curiosity, but fuck he doesn't care. His feet is not in his control. It's moving on their own.

He comes to a stop in front of an empty lot. Heart beating fast, sweat covering his body, ragged breathing coming out from his open mouth, his lungs hurting from the lack of oxygen. As the piercing sound and the strong wind dies down with the disappearing light, he looks around the lot. His eyes caught something or someone on the middle of the empty lot. A boy, with raven black hair, tanned skin, long limbs, and an average body for a teenager.

He walks closely to the boy, trying to be as quiet as he could so that he won't scare him if he is still breathing, if he was really thrown down by whatever from the sky the impact would be too much to take to still be alive but hence, he's the one who's trembling and have a racing heart but he tells himself that it's because of the running. He stops a few steps from the boy and just now he realize that the latter is naked. Taemin tries to speak, trying to get the latter's attention to him but as he open his mouth a squeak comes out. He mentally slaps himself for the oh-so-manly-way to get someone's attention. But he got the latter's attention nonetheless, he slowly moves his head and looks at Taemin. Taemin is glad that he won't be dealing with a corpse and report it to the authority, telling all the unrealistic things that happened that even himself can't believe. Taemin can now fully see the latter's face. He examines the latter starting from his half-lidded eyes, his cute nose, high cheekbones, and thick, full lips. Hell, this guy looks so fucking perfect. And his tanned skin is just a plus.

A weak voice break him away from his reverie. "H-help" The latter whisper/moan with his low and raspy voice that send shivers to Taemin. He was dumbfounded for a moment, the voice keep on repeating in his messy mind. Taemin squat beside the boy when he's already fully himself, helping him to stand up. As their skin collides, electric shock bolts up his veins. The latter is hot, too hot like he's burning. The tan boy moans uncomfortably and that made Taemin panic.

"W-what? Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh my god. I'm sorry!" He burst out, his eyes wide, a little bit teary. He can't afford to add more fractures to this kid, his conscience will eat him.

"Just h-help me up." The latter said coldly. Taemin can hear a slight irritance from him but that didn't scare him a bit. It only make his heart beat thousand times faster than normal and he feels a commotion of butterflies forming in his stomach. He tries to help the latter up again, and with a lot of effort finally, the guy was now standing with his two feet on the ground.

The guy's arm is on Taemin's shoulder while he holds the other on the waist to avoid him from falling. Taemin can still feel the hotness coming from the latter, he's trying to control his emotions. Whatever emotions he feels. He sighs. Shifting his attention once again on the problem at hand. Trying not to look somewhere down on not so decent parts of the latter's body. "What the hell Lee Taemin?! What are you thinking?!" Just thinking about it make a dust of pink creep up his cheeks making him blush.

Suddenly, the guy shivers. "It's cold." Once again, the deep voice was heard but even with the latter's look of helplessness he still have that coldness and hardness in his voice.

"O-oh..yeah, you're uhm.." "Hell, I'm hugging a naked man!" Another batch of blood creeps up on his cheeks making it redder if that's possible. But before he can finish his statement the latter spoke again, "Where's your house?" while looking across the dark street. The sun finally set taking his break for the day and now finally asleep, darkening the place that the two was standing at.

Realizing how long he was spacing out by the latter's piercing look, Taemin reply to the question. "N-not far away from here" Taemin stutters for the umpteenth time. He congratulates himself in his mind for another manly way of responding. "I bet I gave him a very good first impression about me, nice work Tae" He mentally facepalm.

The latter starts to walk so does Taemin. He thank God for the empty streets they are walking at. He doesn't know if he can take it if anyone sees him half-hugging a naked man. He looks at the latter again, watching every move the latter does and he notice that he squint at every step he takes. Taemin's heart felt something for the boy, maybe pity? but hence, it hurts.

A little later they came to Taemin's house. He rushly brought the latter to his room and went to his bathroom to get a wet towel and a basin with tap water. As he walks back in into his room he think of reasons that he would tell to his mother. Remembering that he brought the guy home naked and that fact isn't so amusing. What would his mother think if she knew? That thought makes him shiver and blush from embarassment.

"Are you just gonna stand there forever?" The latter's annoyed voice break him from his reverie once again. He realize that he's now in his room, standing by the door. "Sorry" he manage to squeak. He sits down on his bed beside the latter, his naked body is covered by Taemin's comforter and he's now curled up like a ball. Taemin gently brushes the other's forehead with the wet cloth and he feels the hotness once again from the dark skin on the tip of his finger tips. He continues that for a while, silence surrounding them for a few minutes. He thinks the latter is already asleep until he heard a voice, deep and raspy but not cold anymore. There's something in it that he can't take hold of. Maybe apologetic?

"Sorry.." the voice was so quiet that Taemin almost didn't hear it.

"Huh?" He stops on his actions by the time he heard the voice. Dumbfounded once again for the hundredth time.

"Sorry for being rude. My name's Kai" the latter gave him a half smile. It isn't force but he can tell it's hard for the latter called Kai to do so, maybe because he's sick or maybe because smiling isn't his style. And the second option is what Taemin thinks is the right answer. "K-kai.." He breaths out. It's just a simple name but it have an eerie effect on him that he can't explain. It makes Taemin's stomach flips.

"What's yours?"

"T-taemin. Lee Taemin" He whispers shyly. Pink dusting his cheeks once more.

"Taemin, huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful boy. It suites you" Kai smirks as he briefly looks at Taemin seeing the other's face becomes red as a tomato before he slowly closes his eyes and say a soft "Thank you", he slips into a deep slumber leaving Taemin frozen, heart beating fast and confuse. "He called me beautiful..beautiful" Kai's word keeps on repeating in his head making him dizzy and light headed. "This boy..Kai..what..are you?" That's the last thing that crosses his mind as he falls on his bed with this unusual boy with his unexplainable beauty and all the unexplainable feelings he brought with him that he gives to Taemin.


OK! First chapter done! I hope you like it. Sorry for the wrong grammars and misspelled words. I didn't edited this. And sorry for my engrish! English isn't my first language and last time I check I wasn't born in a country that speaks english so yeah, just bear with it. And about the title. I know it sucks. I might change it sooner or later XD Anyways, I know this chapter sucks but I'll try my best to make it a good story.

And yeah, this is dedicated to my best friend, my other half..CJ KAWAII PACULAN! I don't know if it's ok to put your real name or not but I love you so much! I hope you like this..Thank you for being my inspiration to write this. I miss you so fucking much it hurts!ㅠㅠ

Thank you for reading!

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