Chapter 7

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        The snow falls on the ground, covering the pavements with its white coldness. Cold air surrounding everything but not him. Not Taemin. Coz Taemin feels so hot in a cold winter for the first time in his life. So hot that he might burn.

           He is wet and sticky, and unbelievably hot. Hot kisses make his way on his pale white skin, bites and nips from a hot mouth and soft, thick lips, leaving purplish-red marks on its wake. Hot and feverish touches are given to his most sensitive parts. They're breathing hot air. Panting. Sweating.

        Everything is hot. hot. So so...good.

Pain and pleasure.

         Kai licks and sucks on his jaw down to his neck, tasting him. And back up again to his lips, engaging him in a wet and hot kiss.

hah..ah! So...good. ah!

         Kai run his hands downwards, followed by his tongue and lips. Exploring his body, his whole being. Touching everything that makes him scream and lose his sanity. As his erect bud was captured by a hot mouth. Sucking and licking.

Pain and pleasure.


          As the mouth goes lower, farther down. Like his soul. Burning and thrashing in fire of pleasure. Eating him. Owning him.


        Kai takes him. Filling him with hot and burning love. As it hits him deep, making the pleasure explode in every part of his body. Warming his cold soul.


           He arches himself, trying to be closer to the heat and goodness that Kai is giving. Trying to reach for something to hold on to. To not be swept too far by the pleasure. To hold on to his sanity, but he failed. As Kai's lips connects itself on his own. His hot tongue licking and exploring his hot cavern, like it's exploring every inch of his soul and heart.


         Their breaths mingled, mewl and moans and the sound of their skin slapping became their music. As their bodies become one. Dancing, creating their own rhythm. Feeling each other. Only each other with every thrust. With every push and pull and scratch and bite.

ah!..hah! ah!

       As their pace increased. Fastening their tempo. Their moves becoming harder, like their fighting in a battle. Giving their all.

Pain and pleasure.

nggh! so..good!

      The pleasure is becoming too much. They feel the tension in their belly building up. When it's too tight for Kai to hold it in. When it's too much for Taemin to take. When the pleasure is over flowing and the pain in their body seeps in. Chanting each other's name.

aahh!! Taemin!!

K-kai ah!

          They reached their heaven. Screams of utter pleasure came out. Their love exploding. Filling Taemin with warm whiteness. Tainting Kai's bronze skin with warm love. Pure and white.

           This is what Heaven should feel like for Kai. Warm, and peaceful after the wave died down. Where love is shared. There's no judgement. There's no wrong, only rightness and goodness and a little bit of pain to be wash away by pleasure.

            And right then and there, Kai found his heaven. In Taemin's touch. In his warmth. In his smile. In his deep, brown, innocent eyes. In his soft kisses and lips. In his sweet voice and laughter. In his whole being. Coz Taemin is pure. Pure as snow. With his pale white skin that even with its cold exterior, radiate warmth. With his lips that spills out love and care with smiles that can beat the sun with its own brightness. With his soft, brown hair that can't be compared with the clouds in Heaven. With his touches that can take away his demons. Coz Taemin is now Kai's light. His life. His own angel. His Heaven. His home.

              He will fight Heaven and Hell for him and even the Earth that they are now living. Coz Kai is now in his own world, his own sanctuary with Taemin. He'll throw away his faith. Burn his wings. Kai will die for Taemin. Coz Taemin is everything for Kai. Coz Kai is nothing without Taemin. Coz even angels fall. Coz even angels commit sins. Coz even angels fall in love.

I love you.

And maybe Taemin can be Kai's own downfall.


hi my beloved readers! ohmygosh! it's been so long since I updated. I'm so sorry. And I don't know if this chapter is good enough to be a smut. Is this even a smut? OTL I'm sorry if I didn't met your expectations.  And sorry if it's too short! TT^TT

anyways, happy holidays!! I love you all~ :*

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