Who's that boy

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  Jeon Jungkook clenched his fists, what was with his manager sending these imbeciles his way. He wanted someone out of the ordinary,someone who would give his shows the edge, not these idiots who just wanted to say they had worked with Jeon Jungkook, but were basic in their dance moves.
"Enough ," he yelled at his manager,"don't call me in again until you get someone who is worth my time".
The manager sighing nodded, his client was so hard to please.
  Jungkook left the building, his friend and driver, Tae looking at his face and smiling," Rough day,Kook?"
"You have no idea Tae," he whined." Anyone would think I was asking for the moon, I just want the best and as Hobi won't do it I have to watch the morons who apply!"
"You do know you set the mark incredibly high, you decided you wanted Hobi so no one else is good enough," Tae smirked.
"Well I'm his friend,he should do it," Jungkook huffed.
"He also runs a very good dance school which many go to just because it is Hobi, he can't just drop everything ."
"Hmmph!" Muttered the idol.
"I do know he is visiting Jin and Namjoons club tonight as Suga is there DJ' ing."
A wide grin came on Jungkooks face, maybe he could try and talk Hobi into it he thought," right then Tae time to get our glad rags on and party!"

Two Hours later
"Jimin that arse of yours is attracting too much attention, I may have to fight them off," Hobi said laughingly at the small boy.
"Your just jealous my dear Hobi that my moves are better than yours," the small blonde boy sassily replied.
Hobi pit his hands over his heart in fake shock," I'm wounded Jiminee.....how could you say that?ok then Yer your right don't rub it in!" The pair both laughed loudly before carrying on dancing to the music the famous DJ Suga was providing.
Jin and Namjoon or 'Joonie' as Jin called him sat at their table overlooking the dance floor.
"Looks like Hobi brought his friend that's been helping him out at the studio,he's certainly got some moves," Jin said.
"Hmmm , quite the little cutie, just the type of a certain someone we both know," Joonie smirked.
"Talking of him, Tae said they were coming tonight,I think he's still trying to convince Hobi to help out."
"But he doesn't know that Hobi has a certain someone he'd rather be around than spending hours with him," Joon nodded towards the figure of the resident  DJ .
The two males laughed, knowing the ego of  their friend didn't allow him to think someone would prefer to be with someone else rather than him.
A flurry of people near the entrance made them look over to see said male make his entrance nodding to those fanning over him before making his way up the stairs to the usual table he sat with his friends.
"You know whenever you come here it's like you expect a fanfare on entrance," Jin smirked.
"Well if your offering ?" Jungkook shot back.
"Where's Tae?"
"said he's  meeting a friend of his and Hobi's, someone who's been travelling for a while not long got back," Kook replied.
The waiter bought drinks to the table, their bosses already telling staff to keep their table supplied
"JUNGKOOK!" a loud voice shrieked before plonking himself down in a vacant seat and swigging down a beer.
" Hobi my best friend," gushed Jungkook, immediately sitting forward ready to plead his case.
" No," Hobi said.
"What?"Jungkook whined.
"The answer is no , no ,no I will not choreograph some routines for you, I am busy."
" but Hobi,I'm your friend why wouldn't you want to spend time with me?"
"A few reasons, your demanding , your whiny and my boyfriend wouldn't like me being away from him so much!"
"WHAT! I'm not whiny," he whined,"I need you Hobi your the best and what sort of selfish boyfriend would deny me your company?"
"Suga," Hobi,Jin and Namjoon said straight faced.
For once Jungkook shut up, Suga was a soul with hidden depths who you should never get on the bad side of.
"What am I gonna do," Jungkook groaned, leaning over the balustrade next to the table ,eyes looking down onto the crowd of dancers, flickering quickly over them before focusing on someone dancing and laughing with Tae. The person had his back to him but his fluid movements and gyrating arse gained his attention, fuck he thought, why do I feel so turned on just watching him, he shifted in his chair adjusting his trousers that had suddenly felt tight, the boy suddenly turned his way head thrown back as he smiled, his eyes like crescent moons his neck pale leading to sharp collarbones, one of which could be seen as his shirt dropped off it due to the slightly unbuttoned front, his black trousers tight and form fitting leaving nothing to the imagination.
"Who's that boy?!" He asked never taking his eyes off him.
The others looked over to see where he was looking,as the dance floor was crowded," Do you mean the one with Tae?" Jin said.
"That's Jimin," said Hobi," now if you want the best,he is it."
Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off him, all he could think of was forget about showing him some dance moves, he could think of a few moves he'd prefer to do with him and they consisted of them both being  naked!
He watched Tae lean in to talk to him and nod towards the stairs, both males left the dance floor making their way up the stairs to his table.
"Hi fellas, how are you, for those of you who don't know him this is Jimin."
Jungkook sat up trying to look casual, he was used to being recognised but wanted the small boy to feel at ease in his prescence,
"I'm Jin" he said smiling at the boy.
"Hi I'm Namjoon or Joonie,nice to meet Tae and Hobi's friend."
Jimin nodded to them smiling and turned to Jungkook, who was trying to look disinterested.
"And you are?" Asked Jimin face straight,ignoring the guffaws from the rest of the group, knowing who the boy was but already having heard from Hobi how big his ego could be.
"Er,Er , I'm Jeon Jungkook,?" The other said hopefully.
"Hmmmm, " said Jimin, "where have I heard that before?" He said turning to the others his back to Jungkook and winking at them.
"So Hobi," Jimin said, totally ignoring the flustered idol ,"your boyfriend is certainly the best, and he's such a sweet cutie too, I enjoyed meeting him yesterday."
"he adores you to , Jimin, said he wants to pick you up and keep you safe in his pocket."
The others looked astonished the undemonstrative  Suga said that!
"Have a beer Jimin ," said Jin passing one to the boy.
"Thanks ,"he said gulping it down," now excuse me but my fan club awaits "he giggled dragging Hobi and Tae with him back to the dance floor where he proceeded to shake some moves which should be illegal.
Jungkook sat there stupefied , usually people fought to be in his prescence , happy to even spend seconds with him, but this boy.......
"What's up Kook?" Namjoon sniggered knowing full well the boy wasn't used to being ignored.
"I want him," he said determinedly , eyes never leaving the boy for the rest of the night.

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