Show me what you've got

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"TAE!!!!!" Yelled Jungkook.
"For gods sake Kook, keep it down.....,my head is banging, it was late when I got back," muttered Tae walking from his room at the back.
" serves you right, no one asked you to go on a late night jaunt around the bars,"
"What's got your back up, I wanted to hang with Jimin, we hadn't talked in ages,I forgot how hard he can party."
Jungkook new he was being unreasonable,it was Tae's day off so he could do what he wanted but Jungkook had been jealous last night when Tae had said he and Jimin were doing the rounds,why didn't they ask him?he had spent hours watching the boy dance,jealousy eating at him when he saw others approach the boy, he saw the boy flirtily touch a few,smiling at them as he turned them down.
  When the two left the club he felt anger inside him , making excuses and going home , just to lay on his bed, listening for Tae's return , and when that happened , wondering if Jimin had gone home alone or picked someone up.
"So did you and Jimin have a good night," he asked.
"Yer,forgot how much fun he is to be with ," grinned Tae,walking to the kitchen.
"Must be working though,is it here or has he just stopped over to visit Hobi and you," he said trying to sound disinterested.
" he's helping Hobi out now and then, he's a dance instructor, been travelling around to learn ethics of other countries dance, to incorporate it when he teaches,"
"Are you fucking dumb Tae? You know I've been looking for someone yet you and Hobi never mentioned him!!!"
"Jimin is a free agent,he does what he wants"
"I'm sure once Jimin knows more about me he'd be eager to work with me,"
"So what's so great about you?" A voice behind Tae said, causing Jungkooks mouth to drop open as a barefoot tousled haired little sexpot wearing Tae's t shirt and shorts wandered from Tae's bedroom to where the two other boys were talking.
Jungkook looked from Jimin to Tae then back to Jimin,heart squeezing in pain,"you Er you and Tae are ....?"
"Fuckbuddy's?" Jimin questioned mischievously making Jungkook slump, "no,just friends,I couldn't be arsed to go home so stayed with Tae,I know it's your house hope it was ok?"
Jungkook nodded unable to speak after the relief he felt at the boys words.
"Breakfast Jimin?"asked Tae.
"You bet, I could eat a horse," the petite boy said smiling at his friend.
Tae cooked Jimin and Jungkook full breakfasts just having toast himself.
"Ergh !Jimin how you can eat all that after last night I don't know." Tae muttered.
"I'm a growing boy," joked the smaller.
"Nah,your growth spurt finished years ago,shortie,"
Jimin hit his friend on the arm then tucked into the breakfast, Tae going back to his room for a nap he said.
"So ,Jimin...." Jungkook said between mouthfuls,eyes on the plump lips opposite him.
"As you are unaware of who I am I would like to...."
"Nah, I was just fucking with you yesterday,I've heard of you,"the small boy said grinning.
Jungkook didn't know wether to be annoyed or pleased that the boy had played him but his words...'fucking with you,' played in his head sending him off into little daydreams of the boys naked body under him,would he be a screamer,he wondered?
"Hello,....anybody in there?"
Jungkook came out of his daze,what the hell was wrong with him,why did this boy have such an effect in him?He wasn't short on sexual encounters he could love  them and leave them, so why did he feel so horny around this boy!!!"
Clearing his throat he looked at the boy," well since you know Hobi I'm sure he's told you I'm looking for a new choreographer,after seeing you dance I'm quite sure you fit the bill so I'm offering you the job."
There thought Jungkook proud of himself for not stuttering,of course the boy would be pleased to work with him, just being linked to him would pave his way in future employment.
"That's ok,I'll pass." Jimin said,taking his plate to the sink to wash it.
"But I pay well!!!"
"Money doesn't bring happiness,"
"That's ridiculous,everyone wants money,"
"Nope I have more than enough for the lifestyle I want"
"But being linked with me will give you better job prospects."
"Your fame doesn't mean anything to me,I'm not a fan,I don't need to be linked to anyone to make my way in the world,I do things under my own merit,now if you'll excuse me I need to change and get home," and with that Jimin sauntered off to Tae's room.
Jungkook stared at the retreating figure....,what was wrong,didn't the boy feel any sort of attraction to him,it was an unusual experience and Jungkook slowly made his way upstairs throwing himself onto the bed and sighing. The boy was driving him mad and he'd only known him less than a day,his thoughts turned to the sexy moves the boy had made last night , his hips gyrating and thrusting to the music that wonderful arse, jungkook slipped his hand into his boxers already hard just thinking about it,the more he thought the faster his hand pumped until,"Aaaargh!" Covering his mouth with his other hand he grunted out an explosive release, breathing shakily before getting up and cleaning himself with tissues before going to stand under a long cold shower.
Jimin pov
He had heard a lot about Jungkook from Tae and Hobi and of course tv and magazines seemed to always mention something on him but he hadn't quite realised how handsome he was up close.His heart had done a little flip flop when meeting him,but he had played it cool,realising the handsome man had things his way to often,he knew he was looking for a choreographer and quite honestly Jimin knew having heard his songs that he would enjoy doing it, but being a bit of a tease he wanted to know how hard Jungkook would go to get him.

The dance studio Hobi ran was busy,Jungkook made his way past rooms of students before finding Hobi in one,teaching about ten students o FCC an advanced class,catching Hobi's eye he indicated he'd wait in his office.
Fifteen minutes later Hobi walked in gulping down water and wiping his face with a towel.
"Hi Kook,how are you,great night at the club last week."
"I'm fine,Yer it was great to catch up," he said sullenly.
"What's wrong with you,someone take your favourite wallet?"
"Shut it you traitor,"
"What did I do?"
"It's what you didn't do"
"Hiding Jimin from me,refusing me yet knowing there was someone as good as you who could do it"
"Well to start with,he's better than me and secondly as him!!"
"I did"
"He refused me!!!!"
"So it's my fault ...whhhy?"
"Hyung,make him do it,"jungkook whined,"I'm sick of these stupid interviews with useless idiots I want him, he's your friend, tell him it's good money and a great chance working with me!!!"
"Kook Jimin doesn't care about things like that!"
" I know he told me,I just really want him to do it Hobi!!!!"
Hobi sighed,looking at his friend he said," well ask him again"
"You think so,where does he live,what's his phone number?" The boy said enthusiastically .
"Go downstairs he's in room 3B, practicing on his own"
Jungkook shot out of his chair almost running to the room Hobi had mentioned , stopping at the door he glanced through the door to see the small boy clad in tight leggings and long vest with dropped armholes showing off his amazing figure,doing some sort of modern dance to a loud beat. He slipped into the room leaning on the wall watching intently then stood up as he realised Jimin had seen him in the mirror and had turned the music off wiping himself down with a towel before turning to Jungkook with a smile.
"Hi how are you?@
"I'm fine,you?"
"I'm great,so what brings you here?"
"Look , I know you've already said no but I need to find someone soon and so far no ones good enough so I'm asking again would you work for me?"
"I think the question you should ask Jungkook,is are you good enough for me?"
"Well I don't want to waste my time on someone who hasn't got what it takes."
"Are you seriously saying I have to audition for you to get you to work for me!!!"
"Hmmmm,putting it like that....yes,show me what you've got!"

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