Time of Reckoning

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The pale hospital walls came into view as Jimins eyes opened, a nurse taking his temperature and smiling at him when she saw he was awake.
"Hi Mr Park,in case you didn't know your in hospital, your friends brought you here after you were attacked, we have had to put you on a drip to hydrate you and your wounds have been treated."
"My phone?" He asked in a raspy voice, the young nurse passed it to him before she left.
Jimin looked in his phone and pressed a number after a few rings it was picked up," JIMIN! Oh my god are you ok, we were all so worried!!"
"Hobi how did I get here, did you bring me?" He asked the other confusedly.
Then came a detailed conversation on what had happened last night and who exactly had saved him.
Jimin felt embarrassed after putting the phone down he berated himself. What must Jungkook think, he probably thought he was flirting with the men and deserved everything he got, the shame overwhelmed him.
The doctor walked in, after telling him he must eat better take care of himself, not drink as much and then dropping the bomb that jungkook would pick him up after lunch.
"Er, no doctor I need to be discharged now,Erm I have things I have to do."
The doctor looked at him quizzically, obviously seeing the desperation on his face." Ok Mr Park, but you really do need to take more care,"
Jimin nodded thanking the doctor as he got out of bed looking for his clothes, his shirt too ripped to wear he kept the hospital gown on over his trousers, before paying his bill and getting a taxi home.
Once there he showered, threw away the clothes from yesterday, before making up his mind packing a case collecting some bits from his music room, throwing out any food that would go off. Looking at his watch to see it was 10.45, he looked around his place to see that all was tidy he locked up securely and left,got into the taxi he ordered and texting Hobi on the way.

Jungkook had not slept much during the night so when he did drop off it was into a really deep sleep stirring eventually to sounds coming from the kitchen, he walked there sleepily looking at Tae who was making coffee.
"I'm sorry Kook didn't mean to wake you up, I was late myself getting up didn't sleep well,I needed some coffee."
"Hmmm , me too."
He sat down as Tae brought a mug of coffee to him,wearily glancing at the clock to see it was 12.15 ,
"Shit,I'm supposed to pick Jimin up!"
"Phone the hospital to see what time they are letting him out."
Jungkook nodded slurping his hot coffee as he made his way to his room for his phone only to come out a few minutes later with a frown on his face.
"He got himself discharged early."
"What? Who took him home?"
"They said he left on his own"
Tae picked up his phone and rang Jimins number but no one answered.
Jungkook tried as well with the same result.
Tae then phoned Hobi and Jungkook could hear a one sided conversation .
"But we are his friends."
"Well of course I'm mad after what happened to him last night!"
"Ok but I'm not happy!"
Jungkook stared at the boy opposite," What?" He asked.
Tae sighed,"Jimin discharged himself early and got home, he's packed up and gone travelling, said if Hobi saw us to apologise for his drunken behaviour and he was sorry to be a bother."
Jungkook stared in shock, he'd left, he'd wanted to get away from him so much he hadn't thanked him or said goodbye. His face hardened, well it shouldn't be a surprise Jimin had already told him he meant nothing special to him.
"Well that's that then," he said sharply turning and going into his room slamming the door.

Two weeks passed and Jungkook seemed to have turned into the one of old ,only this time everything set him off. He was seated in his office frowning at his computer when his secretary came in with a large envelope.
"Mr Jeon, this says personal for you," she said placing it in front of him and leaving.
He glanced at it no postage mark on it meaning someone had dropped it off personally, probably a fan or something he thought pushing it aside to drop his head on the desk, he felt empty , no enthusiasm for anything, sighing he picked the envelope up. Inside was a written score ,a cd and a note, some wannabe songwriter he thought until glancing at the written sheets of music he saw the name'Chickadee'
Heart thumping he opened the note.
Dear Jungkook, so hear it is your song, you deserve it.I hand over all rights of this song to you, you were right about so many things and I foolishly ignored you.I'd like to thank you for showing me the right path and hope you have a bright and happy future. The cd is the version I made please excuse my voice!
Jungkook hurriedly put the cd in and pushed play, a sweet voice came out making his heart wrench, the words pouring out about finding someone just to let them go, denying a love realising how much that person meant but knowing you couldn't have them through your own mistake, how you should hold onto love given and not throw it away .
The voice and the melody so poignant and sad, Jungkook knew not only that the song would be a success but that Jimin had written about their love story.
He rushed to his secretary," who bought this in ,?"he demanded.
" y-your friend?Hobi?"
He nodded going back to his office and picking up his phone.
"Where is he Hobi?"
"Er Jungkook hi?"
"I know you delivered it so where is he?"
" look Jungkook, he ,Er , he made me promise not to tell,"
"We'll really Jungkook ,I don't know if I ...."
" tell him Hobi, they both need each other ," Sugas voice said in the background.
"Hush Suga,now he knows I know and I can't break my promise," Hobi loudly whispered to his other half.
Jungkook took a deep breath," Hobi I'm sorry for shouting ok, I'm lost without him, I need him so much, that song he sent me I know you know who he is, well that's our song, our love story, he thinks I don't love him now, he's expressed his love to me in that song....,I need to get him back Hobi, imagine if it was you and Suga...."
" he's got a property on Jeju island, he goes there when things get on top of him, he posted the song to me and told me to put it in a plain envelope so you wouldn't know where he was, I'll text you the address."
"Thanks Hobi, your an Angel ." He cut the call off dashing to his home to pack and shouting to Tae to make arrangements for his travel.

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