Who's the Boss

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Jungkook tried to stare down the small boy, who stood there casually waiting for him to agree.
"You want me,....who is going to be the one paying you.....to audition to see if you will train me?"
"That's correct,"
Jungkook could feel himself getting irritated,what was with the boy,he was the employer not the other way around!
" what if your not good enough for me?"he said in a childish voice.
"Hey you came to me,I'm easy,it doesn't bother me if I get the job or not."
"Hmmmph,.....ok so what do I have to do?"
"Hobi has your cd here,I already know the dance routines you do to your old songs so I'll put one on and we dance it together."
This was going to be easy thought Jungkook of course he knew how to dance his routines.he shrugged of his jacket and took off his jumper leaving himself in a t shirt.
"Warm up first," said Jimin,stretching and bending giving Jungkook a perfect view of his arse. Breathing deeply Jungkook did his own stretching before Jimin went to the stereo put the cd in and pushed play.
Jungkook knew the routine of by heart dancing to it from memory,he could watch Jimin dancing to it as well in the mirror and it gradually dawned on him how good a dancer Jimin was.Although he danced the routine from memory,jimin seemed to give it that little bit more fluidity making it more sensuous  making Jungkook look stiff in his movements.
The song finished, and Jimin stood there looking at Jungkook," so how do you think you did?"
Jungkook thought should he lie or tell the truth based on what he saw.
" you were better ...you flowed,I looked stilted." He sighed.
Jimin stared at him consideringly, "well at least you didn't lie."
"So I suppose you won't teach me now then?" Jungkook said feeling down .
"Oh no, I'll do it, you have the gist but you have too much ego to let yourself go, you dance like how you think you should be perceived, not as if your enjoying it, you think your song is it and the dance routine is just background fluff, it should be part of it,a song about feelings,love etc, needs the movements to flow accentuate the words give a deeper meaning to the song, make it a memory in the audiences eyes."
Jungkook thought about the boys words, looking back he knew that when he thought about a song from other stars it was often the music video of the song that stuck in his head, the dance expressing emotion .
"So...when can you start, my studio has large rooms set up to train for single use and group dance, I've recorded the songs I'm using for the tour so I can let you hear them and we can discuss what you think we should do, how many dancers for each song, the tour is in six months ,I need it to be perfect," jungkook said head down feeling slightly disheartened .
Jimin picked his stuff up before walking over to the boy.
"Right send the music over to me, Hobi has my address,I'll come to the studio next week with some ideas" he put his finger under the other boys chin before leaning in and pecking the boys lips, "don't worry darling, I'll get you into shape," he winked and walked out the door, leaving a dazed look on Jungkooks face.
He kissed me,he thought raising his hand to his mouth, fuck this was going to be a frustrating experience he thought as just being around the flirty boy for a short time made him horny.I can do this he told himself before smiling thinking this could actually be fun.

Two weeks later and Jungkook was extremely irritated.Jimin had reviewed the music and planned some of the dances.Jungkook had also had some input often leading to little squabbles but usually sorted out with a bit of give and take,the issue today was a song Jungkook had to do on video to promote ready for the tour. His manager had brought it up as they all sat around a table.He wanted to do it with a girl set around Seoul no dancing,Although Jimin essentially had nothing to do with videos if it didn't involve dancing he had spoken up when the manager had sat with them, saying it would be good if Jungkook sat in the corner of a semi darkened room while a single dancer, danced to the music under a soft spotlight.
"Don't be stupid Jimin, it's about losing your love ,of course a girl has to be in it."
"Don't call me stupid you moron and in this day and age don't presume it's boy/girl dynamic that decides how you love!"
"I have an image to portray , everyone sees me as the handsome guy that gets the girl,"
" you fucking ."egotist," said Jimin getting really annoyed, small hands clamping into fists," you really think you are something don't you
Jungkook smirked," I know what people want,and anyway who's the boss?"
"You know what people want!"yelled Jimin "who'd want you!"
Jungkook stood up and stepped nearer," well you couldn't resist kissing me could you when you agreed to do this," he smirked.
"Kiss you! You call that peck a kiss, this is a fucking kiss," yelled the riled up Jimin,before grabbing the boy and slamming his lips against the others,what started out as proving a point soon turned into a make out session, before a loud cough from the manager made them spring apart.
Both males were red in the face, Jimin cleared his throat before saying,"I-I can show you what I mean about the video,if-if you want,my friend owns an old theatre we could go to if you bring the media team to film it I can dance a rough version with you in the corner singing, it won't take long to set up?"
Jungkook nodded , too dumbstruck by the kiss to say anything.
Jimin went off to use his phone while the manager sat there with jungkook trying hard to hide his smirk.
"What!" Jungkook said, face red.
" nothing," said the manager smiling, he loved the way Jimin stood up to his client.
" right , I know it's short notice , but he said we can use it this afternoon for a few hours," Jimin came back in voice now no nonsense," is that do able?" He said looking at the manager.
After finding out the location the manager nodded," it's not far at all and as it's really a run through to give an idea we just need small video team you two and someone on the lights, no props for now,if Jungkook decides to go with it, we can set up proper props etc when it's filmed."
Both men nodded before Jungkook asked," do you need to workout a dance for it?"
"No, I've had one in my head since I first heard the song," he quietly said.
"Ok, we will all meet up here after lunch and go as a group,"Jungkook said.
"Yes,BOSS," Jimin said cheekily before walking out sassily.
Jungkook couldn't help smiling,the boys attitude may rile him,but his Kiss!

The theatre was perfect for what Jimin wanted to show,he'd dressed in black as to him black was for sorrow which the song was about, lighting was set Jungkook sat on a stool in the corner also dressed in black and a spotlight shone on Jimin only the outer edges catching Jungkook in shadow when the camera would be turned back in him in between the dance.
The song started,Jungkooks face focused on the small boy as he danced,his whole body given over to the emotions of the words in the song,Love and loss.anguish.....by the end,even the staff with them clapped,thoroughly in awe at what they had seen. Jungkook and Jimin leant over the managers shoulder as they watched the playback of the video.
"Jimin I'm sorry you were right this works perfectly,"
"Thank you, when it's filmed professionally with proper staged lighting and effects it will be even better,I can teach the dancer you get to....."
"No.no I want you to do it Jimin...,you did it perfectly,please?"
Jimin smiled,"as you wish.....boss," both of them grinned.
Jungkook sat in his car being driven home by Tae.
"It's a great day isn't it Tae?"
"Someone's in a good mood, what's happened?"
"I'm just happy," Jungkook said,reliving the kiss then the scene of Jimin dancing to his song.The boys movements had been perfect in portraying the feel of the song,even he knowing the words had felt sorrow and angst while watching. He was really glad to have Jimin working with him.

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