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Convincing my friends to call it a night was easier than expected, one yawn and a little complain about the early departure of my train the next morning and they believed me.

Our goodbyes were long and sweet, they consisted of big hugs and happy „see you after the holidays"'s.

Claire closed the door after us and we climbed in Jo's car, driving off into the chilly night.We were laughing about god knows what, I wasn't sure anymore.I didn't even drank a lot but Niall's word kept my head spinning so much it was hard to concentrate on something.

All I was thinking about was how to get him on edge or how to deal with him in general if he was really coming to my dorm. Claire was right. I could be and do what I want, setting the rules in all my relationships. Including this one.

On the way home, I watched the passing street lights. Should I text him or not?I didn't have to love him, I could say all the things I wanted to say without panicking.I could adore him and that was it.

If it was about him, I cared about what was going to happen the next day. Or the day after that. As long as he was there, I could plan my tomorrow. Right now he was mine, what would happen after that, was far in the future. Right now I was his, I only had to show him.

Reaching the dorm it was time to say goodbye to Anna, who was expected by Harry. He waved and wished us a Happy Christmas. I watched them go to his car, close and arm in arm and my friend's head on the man's shoulder.

For the first time I wasn't sad that Niall and I would never be like that in public. I didn't have to be seen to know, that our time was real.

„Any plans for the rest of this evening?" I thought about the phone in my coat, when Jo addressed me. We stood in front of the elevator, waiting to enter it.

„I don't know, maybe I'll read a fanfiction, maybe I'll watch a few episodes of New Girl, not trying to fall asleep." I pressed the button for the second and third level before I leaned against on if the walls.

„You?" Jo smiled.

„I think I'll rewatch Attack on Titan."

Laughing I rolled my eyes at her response, because I already knew the whole plot without ever watching it. Thanks to very detailed descriptions.

„And you watched it how many times again?"

I still asked.

Quietly my friend counted her fingers, finished when the doors of the elevator opened and I had to leave.

„Four or five times? I don't know."

„Well then have fun with that. And greetings to Lucy and your parents!" I got out after hugging her shortly, just to turn around and wave at her.

I left the elevator, the lights going on immediately the second I stepped into the corridor. My door was not far away and I could spot the shadow near it. It wasn't a shadow, but more of a silhouette. Fearfully I stopped in my tracks, looking back to where I came from, the doors of the elevator closing. But when I turned my head again, to deal with the person lurking around my apartment, they pushed themselves off the wall, hands buried in the pockets of their hoodie.

Squinting my eyes I took a tiny step, until they pushed back the hood. I sighed, relief washing over me when I came closer, rushing to that person.

"Are you insane?!" I hissed, fishing my keys out of my purse to quickly open my door and pulling them inside.

"What if Jo saw you? Or any other student?" Turning around out of breath and angrily after closing the door very quietly and turning on the light, I faced Niall who watched me completely unbothered by my tone, standing in the middle of the room.

Let Me Adore You (N.H.)Where stories live. Discover now