Jades Freedom

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" It will happen, " Dani assures Jade as they walk towards the castle, the morning rays barley showing there face. " One way or another. You are going to be free by tonight. "

Jade gives a shaky smile, pulling nervously on her sleeves. " It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just scared. "

Dani sighs before stopping in her tracks and turning to face Jade. " I know, but we have all the evidence we need right here. " She starts gesturing to the bag hanging over her shoulder. " And if that's somehow not enough, I have a back up plan. I promise Jade, you are never going back to that place again. " Dani finishes softly looking into Jades green eyes.

Jade smiles, nods, and they began walking again. It's not long before they reach the castle. Which admittedly doesn't look much like a castle at all. Instead it's an old play structure, made of faded wood and surrounded by sand. Seeing it made Dani's heart ache, this was supposed to be her and her twins place.

Except now they were in the fight of their lives. Henry had changed it pained her to say. He no longer wanted to be the one there for her when the panic attacks creeped in. He no longer wanted to be the one she could tell everything too and have no worry of him telling another soul. He no longer wanted to be the first she showed her magic to. And he certainly no longer thought that she was enough anymore.

No instead he needed her. He needed Emma. The woman who gave them up. He wanted Emma to be the first person he told everything to. He wanted Emma to be the shoulder he could cry on. He wanted Emma, and he didn't want her.

Dani couldn't even fully blame him. She was a mess after all. She had all this magic and for what? She still woke up shaking in the middle of the night. She still couldn't stop panicking over what seemed like stupid things. She still couldn't make even one single friend outside of Jade. Yes, she was a mess.

Emma on the other hand? Despite wanting so badly to hate her for abandoning them, Dani couldn't. Emma was just a good person. She had saved her mom not once but twice. She had looked out for Henry since arriving. Besides the fights with her mother, Emma was alight.

Which leads us to here and now, where we find Dani and Jade, waiting on Emma's arrival.


Dani and Jade sat on the top of the castle, legs swinging, as Emma arrived.

" Okay kid, what's this about? " Emma asked once she came to a stop.

Dani jumped down from her resting place, landing directly in front of Emma. " First, do you have everything you need to report a case of abuse Sheriff Swan? "

Emma's eyes grew serious, sweeping over Dani first and then the child still sitting at the top of the castle. " I think we should move this to the station. This is serious kid. "

Dani rolls her eyes, as if she didn't know that. " I know, that's why we had to wait until someone fair was Sheriff before reporting it. " Dani turns to Jade and holds out a hand to help her climb down. " Are you comfortable taking this to the station? "

Jade takes her hand and smiles as she makes her way down carefully. " Yes, I trust you Dani. "

Scene Change Sheriff Station

Emma is sat at her desk with the two kids across from her. Clearing her throat she starts seriously, " Okay you two are going to have to tell me everything. "

" It might be easier to just show you, and then go from there. " Jade says calmly before motioning to my bag.

Smiling tightly Emma nods. Getting the bag off my shoulder I began to take out the pictures we had compiled of Jades room, bruises, cuts, clothes, and Grandmother. The pictures of her Grandmother where to show how healthy she was compared to Jade. Emma's face grew tighter and more furious the more pictures she looked at. Finally she sighed and looked up.

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