Jades Power

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Before Dani could allow her mom to take her home, she had one more thing to do. Tugging on her moms jacket as she bit her lip nervously, she began to speak. " Mom, um can we make a stop on the way home? "

Regina tried to smile, although it didn't look quite right with her red, puffy eyes, and ruined mascara. " Of course dear, what do you need? "

" Um my friend has nowhere to stay until- " Dani paused mid sentence, a thought occurring to her. " We'll actually I don't know if she will have anywhere to stay at all now that she remembers who she was... Anyway I was hoping she could stay with us? "

Dani makes sure to widen her already big, brown eyes and pout her lips just a little. That face she just pulled had gotten her out of a lot of trouble. She pulled it now hoping it would help her lessen the coming storm.... Maybe hiding Jade in her mothers vault hadn't been the smartest idea in hindsight. Oblivious to her daughters thoughts, the Queen nodded.


Dani was almost scared to look at her mothers face when they arrived at her vault. Regina on the other hand managed to stay remarkably calm. " Don't ever come near my vault without me again... " She stopped to take a deep breath before continuing. " There are dangerous things in there Dani. Things that could kill you. It's not even remotely safe, and I can't lose you too. "

Dani's eyes stung with tears, reminded of how Henry had walked away, she nodded. Her moms smile turned gentle as she took Dani's hand and led the way into the mausoleum.

It wasn't long before they reached the mirror/door to the room where Jade was staying. Dani hesitated, before seeming to decide something.
With a wave of her hand the mirror swung open. Her moms mouth hit the floor, eyes widening to the size of apples.

" Dani? " Her voice came out strangled, although it was tinged in awe.

" Tomorrow mom, I promise. " Dani's grin is timid, although it widens significantly when Jade appears at the doorway.

" Dani! What took you so - " Her voice slowly drops off as she catches sight of the Evil Queen.

" Jade! I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner! Emma had me on lockdown with Ruby as soon as the curse broke... I promise I tried to get here! " Dani words come out in a rush, some of them mixing together.

Jade's eyes clear as she looks from Regina to Dani. " Of course you tried, I never doubted you would come idiot! " Her emerald eyes roll as she speaks. " I just wondered what took you so long, considering you're the only one who can open the door! Well besides your mom... " Here she looks pointedly at Regina, wordlessly commanding an explanation.

Dani's eyebrows raise in confusion before she remembers their not alone. " Oh OH! Mom said you can stay with us! That is if you want too... " Dani bites her lip uncertainly as she trails off, letting the question hang in the air.

Jade rolls her eyes again. " Of course I'll stay with you dummy! Until I find my parents at least, if they still want me. " Jade said the last part so quietly even Dani, who was had made her way beside her, strained to hear her.

Knowing that Jade hadn't wanted her to hear that part, Dani kept silent. Thinking all the while how much of an idiot you'd have to be to not want someone like Jade.


The next day Dani woke up late, very late. Jade and her had stayed up practically all night talking, only falling asleep at four am. So when she woke up at one, the scene she overheard on the stairs was not a pleasant one.

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