The Charming Sleep

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Dani looked around the dim red room in shock. How did she get here? Last thing she remembered, Jade had been telling her about life before the curse. Now she was trapped here, in a room lit on fire.

As the fire slowly registered in her groggy mind, Dani began to panic. Her head frantically swinging from side to side as she looked for a way to escape. Squinting she became aware of two other figures in the room with her.

" Hello? " She tried her voice cautious. " Hold on, I'm going to try to put the fire out! "

Seeing as their was no visible way out, Dani began to concentrate. Lowering her hands to the floor she took a deep breath in, before coughing at the sudden intake of smoke. Okay maybe breathing is not such a great idea. Still she soldiered on, bracing herself against the floor, and began to siphon.

Her hands began glowing a violent orange - red. Mimicking the fire around her. A pained gasp escaped her lips as she was jolted awake. Jade stirring next to her, before falling back asleep. Tears were stinging Dani's eyes as she looked down at her hands. They were burnt...


The next day Dani and Regina rushed to Henry's side. Apparently what had happened to her was a side effect of the sleeping curse. And if it was happening to her, then it was happening to Henry too. Thankfully her mother had already healed her hands.

They got there to find Henry in the middle of his sleep, panicking. Regina rushed to wake him up. It was lucky they woke him up when they did. For he was already burned when they got there.

Regina called in Rumple, just to see if he could help where she couldn't. He was able to explain what was happening to them much more clearly. Apparently Henry and her were traveling to an entire separate dimension when they slept. A neither world. This world they traveled to was in between life in death. And it was very real, and very dangerous.

The victims of the sleeping curse were trapped there as they slept. But when they awoke they remained able to go back. However it was only when they were asleep, when their defense where down, could they travel between worlds. It was impossible to keep them from going there.

It was however possible to control ones actions in this neither world. Well as long as one has a little help from magic that is. Gold provided each of them a necklace to help them control themselves, free of charge. Seemed he had grown to care for the two kids.


Dani awoke once more with a gasp, running into her mother's room. Jade stumbled blindly after her, weary of what had awoken her friend. They both barged into the room louder then a pair of rhinos. " Mom! Mom! "

Regina rubbed her eyes tiredly as she looked at her daughter and friend. Seeing she had her mother's attention Dani continued. " Emma and Snow! " Dani stopped for a second gasping for breath. " Their alive! The enchanted forest, it still stands. "

At the same time as she spoke a ringing rang throughout he house. Henry had awoken too. He must have told the prince about their shared time in the neither realm. Within minutes the trio was on their way to the apartment once more. Once there they told them the rest of the story.

" The women we've been talking to - " Henry started before getting cut off by Dani. " Her names Aurora! " Rolling his eyes Henry continued quickly. " She said they have a way home! "

Dani scoffed at him not wanting to break the bad new. " Thats not all she said! " Henry glared at her but she just kept talking. " Apparently there's someone in there way. Someone they need us to help them stop. Someone only Mr Gold knows how to defeat. "

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