It all fell down

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Waking up from a sleeping curse was strange to say the least. After all, Dani and Henry had been able to hear everything around them while they had been " asleep ".  They would tell people soon after when they asked, that it felt much like when you were just about to wake up. In that time when you were in between sleep and awake. When you could somewhat feel and hear what was going on around you, but you couldn't wake, for you were to tired to get up.

When Regina realized the curse had broken, she told her kids she loved them one last time, and ran off. She needed to leave, for the people of Storybrook would be furious with her. So the kids were left with Emma.

After they were discharged the trio were headed to Granny's to grab an early dinner, when suddenly a purple mist overtook the town. While others gasped and ran for cover, Dani smiled. She could feel it on her skin, in her bones, flowing threw her hair, magic had returned to Storybrook.

When the mist cleared they continued down the street, coming across a group of people gathered in front of Granny's. Mary Margret appeared to be at the front, talking. " Now? Now I find my daughter. "

Emma froze, her face filled with shock. " So it's true... "

There was a breathless pause as Mary Margret and David took in their daughters form. Before Mary Margrets eyes filled with tears and she smiled. Gently she placed her hands on her daughters face, as if scared she would disappear the moment she touched her. Before she broke down crying and pulled her into a fierce hug. " You found us! "

David slowly put his hand on Emma's head, joining the hug. He had tears rolling down his face too. All was silent and still for a moment before Henry and Dani had to go remind everyone he was there.

" Grandpa? "  Henry started.

" Grandma? " Dani finished smirking.

Mary Margret starts laughing as David responds, also pulling the kids into a hug. " Yeah kids, I suppose so. " 

Dani smiles gently, leaning into the hug as Henry spoke up. " She did it! She saved you. "

" She saved all of us. " Mary Margret said, pride in her voice.

" I - Well .... " Emma was at a loss for words, not used to the attention she was suddenly getting.

Thankfully Grumpy was always willing to turn down the mood. " Uh, then why are we still here? "

David pulled away from his family, trying to dissolve the situation. " That my friend is an excellent question. "

But as the the other dwarfs started asking more and more questions, Dani really couldn't be bothered to keep up. Well until Henry elbowed her, hard. " Magic? In Storybrook? " As if he was telling her, hey nows your chance! Show them!

But Dani didn't want them to know she had magic. Not yet. She didn't want them to hate her like they hated Mr Gold. Like they hated her mother...

She was only pulled back into reality when a crowd of people were threatening to kill her mom.

" No! We can't let them! Please Emma, she's still our mom! "  Dani begged with tears filled eyes and a quivering lip.

" She's right! Please. She's still our mom! " Henrys eyes were also filled with tears. The prospect of actually losing Regina finally showing him how much he cared about her.

They ran all the way across town, barley making it in time. They arrived to see Dr Whale pinning Regina to the wall, hands almost around her throat. Emma rushed forward forcing him off her. Dani watched from a distance, prepared to step in if necessary. Screw her want to keep her powers hidden, this was her mom after all.

But they managed to have it under control, and soon her mom was locked up. It hurt Dani so much see her mom in that cell, but she also didn't know what she could do to get her out right now. So after giving her mom a hug and kiss, she reluctantly left. Only to be carted off with Ruby.

Dani spent her day trying to get away, trying to go to Jade. Unfortunately it seemed Ruby still had some of her wolf like senses, as she stopped her at ever turn. Eventually night fell and Ruby, sensing something was wrong, grabbed them and headed to town hall.

When they arrived however, they only saw their mom strangling David. She had him strung up against the wall with tree roots, as he was slowly turning blue. Henry gasped in horror, crying out. " Mom? "

Regina froze, before turning around. When she saw her kids her facial features immediately softened. " Henry, Dani, what are you doing here? "

Henry's voice broke as he spoke with tears in his eyes. " What are you doing? "

Regina rushed forward, trying to comfort him. " It's okay! Your safe now. "

As she spoke, she lost her grip on her magic and the prince fell to the floor gasping for air. Ruby rushed to his side to check on him while they continued to speak.

" Where's our mom? Where's - " Henry questioned staring to sound a bit frantic.

Regina tried to stay calm, tried to keep Henry calm. " They're gone.  They fell through a portal. They're...  Henry, Dani, I'm so sorry. "

Dani's eyes filled with tears as she tried to process what she was hearing. Emma and Snow were just... Gone?

Henry shakes his head in disbelief. " No, you're not. You really are the Evil Queen. I don't - " He looks at Dani and mistakes her tears as an agreement. " No we don't want to see you again. "

Reginas tears flow down her face as her heart brakes. " Oh Henry, no, don't say that! I love you! I love both of you.... "

" Then prove it! Get Emma and Mary Margret back. And until then, leave me, leave us, leave everyone alone. "

Dani shakes her head, crying. No this isn't what she wants! But somehow her throat is closed and her tongue feels heavy, and it is impossible or her to just speak. So she is forced to just listen.

" Where will you two go? " Regina asks in concern.

David, finally recovered from being strangled, speaks up. " With me. "

As they begin to walk out the door Dani forces her legs to work for her and runs back to her mom. Henry looks at her in betrayal but she still feels as though she can't speak. So she simply shakes her head and points to the door, forcing him to continue on without her.

A/N. Okay so I know that chapters a bit short but I felt like this was a good place to end it! Hope you all enjoyed!

Love and appreciate everyone of you!

- Sami!

Daniela Swan Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now