Finding Home

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Dani watched The Prince sleep, holding on anxiously to Jades hand. She vaguely heard as her mom reassured Henry, but her mind was farther away. Already making plans in case this failed.

But I'm the mean time. " Jade? "

Jade looked up in surprise, not expecting to be addressed. " Yeah Dani? "

" Do you have something of your parents? "

" Um, " Now that Jade thought about it she wasn't actually sure. " I don't think so but, everything I had is still at - well her house. "

Dani's eyebrows furrowed in thought as she glanced around the room. Wait that's it! A smirk formed on her face as her gaze landed on the objects that surrounded them. Objects that had come from the enchanted forest.

" Jade I have a plan to find your parents but first I need you to see if you recognize anything in this room. Anything that may have belonged to them. "

Jades face grew even more confused, but her eyes had a glint of hope. She may not know what was going on, but she trusted Dani. And so she began to search.

As she was searching Dani made her way over to Mr Gold. " Mr Goooollldd! " She singsong-ed out, making it clear she wanted something.

Mr Gold's eyes glittered with amusement as he looked at her innocent smile. " Yes Dearie? "

" Dp you have something that could help me find someone? " Dani asked fluttering her eyelashes.

Mr Gold nodded. " As long as you have something that belonged to them. "

" And just what would it cost to get this something? " Dani did after all read the stories.

Again Gold was amused at her antics and seeing as he needed her distracted anyway, he decided on a discount. " One of you're lovely drawings I've heard so much about. " He told her with a wink.

Dani giggled and nodded, glad she had got her way. When Jade came back with a flag clutched in her hands, Dani smiled once more. Hoping to the register where Gold lay in wait, she handed it over with a flourish. " One item belonging to the person we need! "

Mr Gold pulled out the potion, which was a glowing purple, and poured it on the flag. It shimmered gold, before floating out the door. Dani beamed, grabbing Jades hand and chasing after it. Gold smirked as he watched them go. One kid down, one to go. Although looking at Henry's form, so caught up in the Prince, perhaps he didn't have to do anything at all with that one.


The small purple flag came to a stop just before sundown. It stopped before a small, sage green house, with a large arch way leading to a circular, white door. It had two small windows, one on each side of the door. A literal picket fence, and because of the time of year, Christmas lights hanging up.

( No I don't know if it's really that time but we are gonna say it's early December okay? Okay! )

Jades breath was uneven as she held the little flag tightly between her fist. She was shaking slightly, clearly be you doing nervous. Dani knew how much this had to be affecting her. And so without so much as a second thought, she reached out her hand and grabbed Jades. A silent show of support.

Jade gave her a shaky smile as the two began to walk forward. Within a couple paces they had reached the door. But Jade seemed like she was second guessing herself, like she was doubting that this was a good idea. She also seemed like she was never going to knock on the door. So Dani knocked for her.

Jade managed to get out one more panicked look before the door opened. A short, blond women stood in the door. Her emerald eyes were an exact match for Jades. Behind her stood a man with greeting hair, the original shade might have been brown. His eyes were a deep chocolate color and both their smiles were kind.

When their eyes landed on Jades, they filled with tears. A gasp escaped the woman's lips as her hands reached out to the door frame, perhaps to steady herself. The man immediately reached out a arm to steady her, even though he looked just as unsteady.

" J- J - " But the woman just couldn't seem to get it out, her tongue tied with awe.

" Jade? " The mans voice was barley more then a whisper, as though scared to break the silence. Scared that she would disappear.

Jade slowly nodded, trying her best to give a shaky smile. Her parents both rushed forward, engulfing her in a hug. Jades body stiffened without her consent, even as she tried to tell her self that it was okay. That they were her parents, that they wouldn't hurt her, that they loved her. But Gothel had done more damage to her then she liked to admit.

Her parents tears overfilled as they finally let the selfs believe that she was really there. Reaching out a hand each, they smiled and thanked Dani. For without her their precious Jade would have never made it home.


Dani smiled as she watched the trio reunite, glad they had found them. True she was worried about Jade, she had seen her stiffen up. But she also knew Jade could handle it, that Jade was safe. And if Jade ever needed her, she'd be there faster then anyone else could.

Muffled static made its way from her back pack, making Dani's eyebrows furrow. Quickly she took it off and started digging threw the contents, her hand making content with the Walkie. She had forgot about that thing. . .

Clicking it she heard Henry's panicked voice come through clearer. " Dani! Get to the well!! Gold and Mom are doing something bad!! Hurry!! "

She could hear his labored breathing, as through he was running. Her eyes widened in panic as her heartbeat raced. Tapping Jades shoulder she spoke out. " I gotta go! " She smiled apologetically before dashing off.


Dani ran as fast as she could, but seeing as she was across town it still took her about ten minutes. By the time she reached it, she was so out of breath that her lungs literally hurt, her legs felt like they were on fire and she was dripping in sweat. Even with so little energy her eyes widened at the sight in front of her.

Gold stood in front of the well with a smug look on his face, back turned to him. Ruby was passed out behind him. Henry stood near by watching the scene. And her mother? Her mother was on her knees trying to take in the magic she had helped put there.

No Dani wasn't stupid. She knew her mother had probably helped with whatever this was. But now? Now her mother was trying to make up for it. And so without hesitation she rushed forward and did what she had been doing her whole life.

She began to pull the magic inside her too. It felt like lighting racing through her very core. More powerful and violent then anything she had ever felt. It lit her skin a neon green as tears of pain streamed down her face. Her knees hit the floor next to her mother.

Dani wasn't sure when it ended. All she knew is that one minute she was on her knees crying in pain, and the next her head was in her mother's lap. Two blurred female figures in the background.

Regina sat stroking her daughters hair, tears streaming down her face. " I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry. "

Dani just gave her a tired smile, eyes fluttering closed.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Love and appreciate everyone of you! Annnnnd for the people wondering why this is a bit late, well I may have forgotten it was Monday for a minute there! Hehehe oops 😅

- Sami

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