Ch. 23 - The adrenaline rush

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*Horns pierce their ears as the bus flies towards the tow truck. Sandra frantically wiggles the loose steering wheel back and forth. It's futile: the maneuvering is entirely in the hands of Brad, now. Keanu recognizes the two men by the tow truck as stunt men. They both know what comes next in the script: the first collision.

Sandra grimaces like the front row occupant of a roller coaster about to start the upside down loop. She closes her eyes, cringing, unsure of what will happen next. A cry of warning comes from the back of the bus, "Watch it, WATCH IT!"

It's too late. The bus shaves the side of the tow truck, catapulting the black sedan loaded on top through the air. It lands with a sharp, metallic crash. On the bus platform, the main videographer zooms in on their faces, recording their terror. Keanu's jaw drops in shock. He tries to stabilize himself, grabbing onto the bar next to Sandra. Behind him, Stephens does the same, looking truly surprised. Melissa whimpers while others on the bus are clutching each other. The director and crew look amazingly calm. A few minutes later they near the water-filled crash barrels. Sandra manages to stay in character. "Stay on or get off?" She pauses for a second. When Keanu's line doesn't come, she repeats herself more frantically. STAY ON OR GET OFF?!?"

Keanu breaks his paralysis and jumps back into Jack Traven's shoes. "Um, off. OFF!" **This time everyone on the bus realizes there will not be a call to cut and swap out bodies. Screams and cries are released from everyone as they brace for impact. "HOLD ON!" He calls to those in the back.

The camera crew continues to record.

As the barrels draw closer, Sandra slams on the brakes only for them to flop to the floor with no pushback.


The front of the bus bursts through the waterfall. They soar off the ramp, taking signs out like a bowling ball takes out pins. Fear is plastered on the face of every passenger. They move through the red light, tires screeching as though it's a falcon on the hunt. The force of the hard right turn throws bodies into the wall as bewildered cries come forth, "Oh my God! No!"

A few more well-placed stunt cars swerve carefully into the bus in precise ways so as not to cause harm to any involved. Finally the bus straightens out. The remaining stunt cars pull away as the calm returns.

"And CUT! That's a wrap everybody." Jan comes out from behind the moving camera, beaming with delight. Camera crew slap hands and backs as they congratulate each other on the expressions captured.

"Uhhh, what just happened?!?" Calls out one cast member.

"That was fucking AWESOME!" Shouts another.

Voices raise as the cast and crew break into an animated chatter, excitedly discussing the day's events. When the cortisol of all cast members starts to drop, there's a realization they were never at true risk. Everything was planned. Every car was planted. It was a thrill akin to going through a haunted house, albeit they didn't know at the time that the monsters weren't real. Now there is laughter and adrenaline coarsing amongst them.

Jan walks up to Keanu. "I hope you're not angry with me."

"Are you kidding? That was FUN!" There's his megawatt smile showing the pure joy all over his face. He hasn't been this pumped up since he shocked the cast by jumping onto the bus from a speeding car. It was clear this project would continue to surprise everyone.

The bus is emptied. Stunt crew take the place of the cast as they prepare to film the more dangerous crash scenes. Keanu shakes Jan's hand and walks away in the direction of the trailers. Most of the cast is walking in a clump, having bonded over their shared thrill. Sandra is in a circle off to the side with Jeff, Glenn, Melissa and some of the actors from the police station. Any cast members that were not on the bus stuck around to watch the first collisions, having no idea what they were about to witness.

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