Ch. 27 - The interview

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Sandra beats Keanu to the set this morning, the first time since they'd started to film. She convinces Bob to open his trailer. Moving toward his table, she sets down a chocolate croissant and cup of coffee. She takes a piece of paper out of her backpack and writes his name in large, cursive letters. Pausing, she traces the letters of his name with her pointer finger, noting the smooth indentation where she'd pressed the pen into the pulp of the paper. She can see him standing there, now: bare feet and track pants, skin still glistening with the hot water rolling down from his wet hair on the night she confronted him in his hotel room. Tiny bumps formed on his chest with the combination of the chill of the night and the cold temperature of hotel air. Every point of contact made as she pushed past him that night was marked like a piece of pointillism art, noted by round spots on her blouse that moistened her skin beneath the chambray cloth. She sits at the table, finger on his name and mind on the still steamy hotel room when the door handle turns without notice. It's Bob, come to warn her about Keanu's arrival on set. She jumps out of her seat and clambers to exit the trailer before he finds her, forgetting the unfinished note on the table.

He walks into his trailer, dropping his bag on the counter, before noticing the breakfast surprise. Sitting down, he takes in the scent of fresh coffee, its warmth matching the glow in his chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches the paper. He grasps the note like a lottery ticket, recognizing her scribble. There is nothing inside, only his name, leaving him confused and... What was that sensation? Disappointment? He shakes it off and shoves the empty note into his bag. This is just an artifact of proximity, he tells himself for the hundredth time, flaky chocolate melting in his mouth with the first bite.

A knock on the door announces Jessie's arrival from the costume trailer, holding his costume in hand. It's time to start the marketing interviews. After dressing he ambles over to makeup, and finally to the area set up for his first interview. The questions are predictable, the answers almost scripted.

*"It starts with an extortionist, a mad bomber." He's done so many of these promotional sessions that at times he feels like a robot. He describes the story without pause or stumbling until it's clear the journalist has gotten what he is after.

*"He's, um, LAPD, SWAT officer. Probably been in SWAT for about two years," Keanu continues to explain with confidence how he molded his character, Officer Jack Traven. *"He is very committed and very aggressive, likes to take action. He's a pretty solid guy. Fairly humble, polite. Likes his work, likes to climb rocks and rappel."

He is asked about Dennis Hopper and Keanu is full of admiration. He is known for heaping praise on his fellow actors, with particular reverence for those with more experience. *"He's spontaneous and so alive, and clever. He's bringing to this character a real kind of loneliness and epic tragedy, which I think is very good." The phrases roll off his tongue with ease.

"Tell me about your love interest, Sandra Bullock," the journalist continues.

*"Ahh, she's a beautiful lady. Yeah, very beautiful. Giving. And, um," he stares at the ceiling, trying to focus his thoughts. She has the type of smile that can carry you through the day.

"Uhhh, I don't know. She has a nice—" He looks down at his hands and pictures them on her hips as he guides her sway, her back towards him, her vanilla scent surrounding them both. "Nice..." he ravages his brain but all he can think of are her lips. Cheeks. Cute, button nose. Nope, no can't say that. 

"Such a wonderful, um..." Think, think, think. "Energy about her. And, um, and life. And she's just...wherever she goes, I mean, she really gives and wants things to be..." He smiles to himself. "Springtime. I don't know. I've enjoyed her company immensely."

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