T E N.......

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(A/N: hey guise, i finally updated sorry. :( been trying hard at school. lul. anywhos i love you guys soooo much, if you guys were potatoes, i wouldnt eat you because you would be gone forever :D)

Harry's P.O.V

I opened the door quietly to find Zoe sitting on her bed alone, looking bored and stressed. I sighed and closed the door again, I raked my fingers through my hair, they must have gone hunting, i thought, maybe I could catch up to them. I nodded my head and followed the route to the mountains.

*two weeks pass*

Zoe's P.O.V

Two weeks of loneliness, two weeks of over-thinking, two weeks of boredom, two weeks of slowly dieing inside.

I havent seen or heard from the other lads in two weeks. I sighed and flopped down on my bed, I've been locked up in here only see Harry everytime he feeded off me, and he wasn't to kind about it. I felt like I was in a prison, well I basically was. "Zoe" Harry raspy voice growled as he opened the door. His eyes were a blood red pool of, his complextion was a milky white and a smirk played across his face. He was by my side in a flash, "you know the drill" he whispered in my eye. I was frozen still in fear, unable to move. "Being difficult, again" he said with an eye roll, he pinned me down on the floor. I groaned in pain. "Look me in the eyes" he said, I turned my cheek to the floor and squinted my eye closed, "come on, Zoe, there is nothing to be afraid about" he coaxed softly. I stood my ground keeping my eyes closed, he pushed me head to face him. I wince under his weight. An annoyed groan escape his mouth and he clenched my jaw tightly, i whimpered lightly as his fingers dug into my skin. "Just show your pwetty wittle eyes" he said in a babyish voice. "No" i spat at him, i opened my eyes and shot him a death glare, and lets just say if looks could kill he would be laying in his grave, where he belongs. He chuckled harshly, his deep red eyes burning with amusment, "how cute" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His extended canines pull my scarred skin as his brushed down my neck. I could feel Harry's hot breath leave a tingling feeling over my skin, i inhaled waited, expecting to feel the crushing pain spread across my neck, but all i heard was the quiet squeaking of the dark wood door opening. I opened my eyes to see Harrys extremely annoyed facial expression, his head snapped towards the door and a demonic growl was released from his throat, i looked up to see a small lady, jocelyn. She looked like a baby deer that was being confronted by a bear. Jocelyn's lips quivered and her knees trembled in fear. Harry's tall frame loomed over her, his face was dark and angry, "what are you doing" he said in a voice filled with so much disgust that it showed through his deathly stare. "I-i-i was j-just dropping t-the land-dry off" she stuttered in a voice that was barely audible. He rolled his eyes and gestured her to put the pile of clothes on the ground. Jocelyn placed the clothing on the floor, she shot me an soft apolygetic look before stumbling out of the room. He groaned and slammed the door shut, making me jump a little from the sitting position on the soft carpeted ground. Harry just stood there, his shoulders softened but he didnt turn around, i felt there was something bothering him emotionally and i almost felt sorry for him, almost. "Harry?" I called out softly, crawling into a stand. I sighed as there was no answer, "Harry please?" I asked again, brushing my hand across his shoulder from behind. I jumped back as he turned around, his head facing the ground. I sighed and reached up to lift his head to look at me. Harrys eyes were now back to a deep green colour, but tears streamed down his face, staining his cheeks. He sniffled slightly and lowered his head again. I didn't say a thing, i just wrapped my arms around his non-exsistent (lul) waist. His body stiffened but soon wrapped his own arms around my body, he started sniffling again which made me look up with big brown eyes. "Harry please dont cry" i whispered and pulled my arms aeound his neck, "im sorry" he said back in a raspy voice. I sighed in relief and nuzzled into him, feeling his warmth. He soon pulled away, leaving me standing there awkward and confused. "Im sorry" he repeated softly and left the room, closig the door behind him and once again leaving me alone.

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