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I awoke for the noises of my cage rustling, wow, never had to say that before, i was being moved into a large jail type of building. I scrambled into a kneeling position, I craned my neck trying to get a better look at the building. I looked at the people who were carrying my cage, they were the same buff henchmen from before. They nodded towards to guards at the doors before walking inside, I jumped as the door slammed loudly behind us. I gasped at the picture before me, it was discusting. people, mostly girls whom were dirty, ragged, and tiresome. They were lined up in cages, like mine, they were wearing tiny peices that hardly passed as clothing.

They guards placed my cage at the end of the line of cages that held an array of girls. I looked to the right of my own cage. I was startled to see a pair of blue eyes starring back at me, "sorry to scare you" Blue eyes said joyfully, "dont worry about it" I smiled, "my name's Alex" she said and held her hand through the bar of the cage. I smiled and shook her hand, "my name's Zoe" I smiled again.

Alex cocked her head to the side, her dirty blond locks falling around her face, "your new here aye?" she asked with a slight candian accent, "er yeah, I guess so", I mumbled, "well, here is a wise word of advice", Alex said, "never, EVER speak unless spoken too or asked to speak", She looked me in the eyes, as if waiting for an answer, "I'll make a mental note" I smiled softly.

My eyes wondered around the large warehouse aimlessly, Alex handn't spoken to me since she gave me a tip. All of the girls, who looked around 15-23 looked like they were expecting something. I yawned loudly but was cut off by a loud high-school like bell, i squeal exscaped my lips in suprise. Every single person's cage door swung open mechanically, they all crawled into a standing single file line and i followed. The next minute a burly guard comes in holding name tags, but labelled with numbers instead of names. I was No. 1991, I stuck the sticker onto my chest just as anither man walked inside, he wasn't as buff as the guy before but had a menancing look upon his face, his footfall echoed through the room, acomponied by the flicking of his clip board. After he had finished looking at us like we were vermin on his crops, he spoke up, "Alright, blood bags" his voice boomed off the concrete walls, "we are going to do this as quickly as possible, now firstly", he glanced down at his clip board, "Number 1997, 1893, 1987 and 1991, you are up for auction first now move along", he ordered. I scurried along quickly through the door that I had been assigned.

I gasped in awe at what laid behind the large heavy dull doors. It was beautiful, the walks were a coral colour laced carefully with threads of gold, the floors were a redish wood, ontop of that laid a shaggy coral rug, golden lounges, a full length mirroir and a large, and i mean LARGE wardrobe.

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