T W E L V E..

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(I UPDATED! you guys happy now..... ANYWHORE on with this fucking story i guess, btw its gonna be short because i have school work. Sorry.)

T W E L V E.....

- Lighting the fire, Cutting the ropes -

 *Harry's P.O.V*

I pulled a trembling hand through my deep brown locks, a sigh escaping my rich crimson lips. The pictures and decor of the Victorian-Styled hallway entwined into one as i passed by swiftly. 

No one was in sight. 

I sighted Zoes door, light beaming from the cracks and hinges, indicating that she, my blood-bag, was still locked behind that one door.

My veins throbbed, acid flowing through my body, burning beneath my skin. With a hoarse growl, I pushed the door open. Onyx consuming my crimson hues, blue veins bulged from my skin, lacing my ivory flesh. Immediately, i scanned the room for her, my focus lingering to the brunette partially hidden behind a pile of clothing. 

The burning.

The rage.

The lust.

The hunger.

It was consuming me. Slowly picking away the threads of my sanity.

One by One.

A harsh scream, crackling from my throat. Bellowing through this horrid room, causing her petite figure to jump, I obviously startled her. A smirk played across my lips, the soles of my leather Italian-imported shoes clinking against the wooden floor. 

Zoe's body was nestled upon a massacre of clothes infront a shadowed walk-in wardrobe, that she was too picky to choose. Typical.

My cold hand snaked upon her shoulder, warmth radiating from her golden skin. A chuckled escaped my lips, her body trembling beneath my taller frame.

My irises were glowing with hunger, illuminating her frame beneath me. Without another sound, or word. With my movements too quick to fathom.


I broke her neck, her fragile bones crumpling beneath my grasp.

"fan-girls have no place in my heart....."

I growled the words under my breath, to her now dead, and lifeless corpse. My glowing hues lingered upwards, illuminating her shadowed wardrobe.

Posters, Shrines, Handmade shabby notes hung from every nook and cranny.

I growl of disgust echoed, releasing itself from my thoughts before I stepped away from her corpse.

Leaving her in a pool of crimson.

( lol. this story is gay. l8r h8rs )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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