Chapter 6

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It's been nearly a week and a half since I last saw Brandon, I've hung with the boys everyday out of this past week and a half, according to him he's "too busy to hang out right now." But not too busy to go to a broad house to get his dick sucked and fuck her, but it's whatever I guess, I'm not about to stress over a nigga that ain't stressin' over me.

Being that today I didn't have any class I don't really have any plans to do shit but lay around unless somebody calls and tells me they want to hang out and if anyone does, 9 times out of 10, I'll tell them that I'm busy cause I don't feel like doing anything today.

Glancing over at the dock to grab my phone, I huffed quietly as I realized it wasn't there which meant I had to get up to find it. I shifted slightly while sliding my hands underneath myself to see if it was anywhere under me. Of course not. I then proceeded to climb off of the bed, nearly falling off of it instead then put my feet on my fluffy carpet barefooted and stood up, pulling my comforter back, lifted my pillows then heard my phone go crashing to the floor. I groaned quietly as I rolled on the bed to reach the other side, laying flat on my stomach as I glanced at my cracked phone screen, mentally cursing myself out for not going to get it fixed after the incident. I climbed off of my bed and dropped the phone onto the nightstand. I stripped out of my clothes and went through my closet for something to wear, once I settled for something I got dressed, went downstairs, grabbed the keys that my parents left for the car and headed out the door. It was weird not having then around, they left on a vacation for "me time", I ain't complaining though because I would die if I heard anything sexual at any point, so it was good but at the same I'm lonely as shit.

I got into the car after locking up the house, buckled up and drove to the mall, somewhat disliking the fact that I had to go there and it was packed as hell being that most students didn't have class. I arrived at the mall quickly, gratefully. Finding a spot to park was the more challenging part, after 10 minutes of searching I finally found one that was kind of close to the entrance. I parked, got out then made my way into the mall and to the Apple Store. As I expected, it was packed and I had to wait, leaving me to explore what new they had put out and how much. While I walked around I very tempted to just splurge on me because I haven't done so in a looooong ass time and eventually gave in to my temptation, left out the store with a MacBook, iPhone 6+, and my 5s, free of charge. Even though I mainly hated the mall due to being surrounded by hundreds of people, when I got into the mood I am a mall person. I ended up in several clothing and shoe stores, hands filled with bags. My last destination, the food court because after all that walking, you know you'd be starving too.

I stopped by Taco Bell and ordered myself Supreme nachos, 3 fiery doritos locos tacos, 4 Cinnabon Delights and a Starburst strawberry freeze. Fat girl, I know. But it's Taco Bell so why the hell not?

I sat at one of the tables not really in the open but where I could see everything and have my own space. I took my iPhone 6+ out of its bag and set the box on the table while taking a sip from my freeze as well as pulling out my regular phone aka the 5s and replied to my ignored messages then started setting up my new one while eating.

After awhile I finished messing with the phone then focused on my food, not too long after, I finished eating as well but decided to continue relaxing. I looked around at my surroundings, my eyes settling on a couple that had their back to me while standing in line for Chinese food. His arm was over her shoulder and she was holding a bunch of bags, smiling widely at him then leaned over and pecked his lips. It caused butterflies to take over my stomach and made me think about Brandon, we could be cute like that if he wasn't such a hoe, but whatever I guess. I took my attention off of them and back around my surroundings, watch people with babies and their boyfriends, husbands or best friends together, made me smile even though I was sitting here by myself. When my phone vibrated it quickly caught my attention, I grinned as I texted Herb back.

"Who the hell is this and how you get my number shorty?"

"You so ugly, it's Sade. I got a new phone and fixed the old one as well. So yeah."

Seconds later another text came through.

"Ohhhh, mini one. Wassup? Where you at? That's good though. Finally, I was getting tired of hearing yo' ass complain about it instead of going to fix it with yo' lazy ass."

I giggled quietly then sucked my teeth before answering.

"Booooy, if it really was bothering you, you could've taken me instead of me being up here by myself. I'm at the mall, in the food court, just finished eating a little bit ago so for now in just relaxing. Until I decide it's time to go. What about you, Herbert? Hmm? What are you doing?"

I knew he hated it when he was called by his full name but most times he let me get away with it.

"I'm 'bout 👌🏾 tired of ya' shit Sade. 😒 make me pop up at that mall just to snatch you up right quick."

"Pleaseeee! I dare you to do something, chipmunk! I double dare you at that!" I quickly texted him back.

The same couple that I was watching before took a seat directly in front of me, the girls back was facing me and the boy walked past to sit down in front of her, laughing with a smile. I glanced at his face and smile diminished as I looked at him, my heart plummeting once I realized who it was and a lump began forming in my throat. His eyes locked with mine and his laughter and smile ceased, his jaw dropping just a tad bit as if he had something to say.

I scrunched up my face a bit and pinched the bridge of my nose as I looked across at Brandon and shook my head. My phone vibrated on the table and I picked it up, quickly replying back to Herb, letting him know that I was on my way to him and the boys.

Grabbing my bags, I dumped my garbage and walked past Bibby and the girl with my head held high and my expression unreadable, I quickly made it out of the mall and took a deep breath to help calm the way I was feeling as the wind blew on me. Making my hair fly everywhere, then proceeded to the car, dumping my things in the back then hopped in and drove from the mall to where Herb was.

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