Chapter 4

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I swayed from side to side with my eyes glued into my phone while waiting for Bibby to either show up or call, I was beginning to feel as if he wasn't going to show because he was already half an hour late but I still waited, remembering that he's famous and has things to do as well.

Another 10 minutes went by, the sky had already darkened although there was some pink and purple hazes in the sky, just as I was turning on my heels to walk up to the porch and into the house I felt a pair of arms around me and heard his heavy voice apologizing a million times for being late which made my heart flutter. When he finally let me go I smiled and turned around facing him letting him know that I forgave him and he'd better make sure it didn't happen again because we would fight.

"Aight so, I'm one to keep it real 100% all the time. I ain't really the typa nigga to take you out on a date and some shit like that, what I had in mind was to bring you to where I hang out with a couple of my friends and shit y'know.. Get you introduced to my lifestyle a lil bit cause imma be around and I ain't goin' nowhere. We bout to start a New Year so let's start this shit together, yeah ?" He grinned.

For a moment I was debating on saying no because I'd never really been around a bunch of "hood niggas", all my friends were preppy black and white kids but instead of saying no, I decided to try something new and out of the ordinary for me, stepping out of my regular boring ass shell filled with nothing other than homework and school.

"Yes, I'll go. I've never done anything like this before so I'm telling you ahead of time I might be awkward as shit." I spoke nodding my head with a smile on my face.

"Aye, ain't nun to be awkward for we all fam and you gon be considered fam as well. They some chill ass niggas on the real though so you ain't got nun to worry 'bout ma." he said reassuringly as he led me to a black Audi.

I ran my fingertips across the hood of the vehicle as I made my way over to the passenger side smiling at the feeling of the metallic under my fingers. She was pretty and smooth, when I got in she smelled good too, a little scent of weed lingering causing me to turn up my nose but she smelt very good, clean. Bibby turned up the radio letting "DnF" by P. Reign ft. Drake blare through the speakers lowly, I nodded my head to the beat although I wanted to do nothing more than to slow grind in the seat as the chorus played.

"You look like you ready to just bust out dancin', gon head and do yo thang shawty." He laughed throatily making my face turn a bright shade of red.

Soon the chorus came on again after P. Reigns verse and Bibby started rapping along with them I joined in after.

"I'm not lookin' at the phone, too much shit been goin' on
But while we got this moment of peace alone, girl
We should just get
Drunk and fuck, drunk and fuck, drunk and fuck, drunk." We sang with each other, laughing while doing so.

As the song was going off we arrived in front of a small mansion type of looking place and I had no idea where we were, the environment was different from where I lived, not as many drug dealers, druggies, hoochies and parent less children around. He walked up the house twisting the doorknob then pushed it open, holding it open for me as he stepped in; once I did I shut and locked the door behind me, when I turned back around he'd disappeared and I wasn't sure where to. Mentally I was cursing him out for leaving me by myself because 1. I didn't know these people. 2. I'm scared as shit.
Trusting my instincts I started walking towards the sound of music and laughter, as I got closer the sounds got louder and clearer than they were before. Stopping at the first doorway I slowly peeked my head around the corner and saw that it was an empty room besides a person snoring asleep on the couch, I quickly tiptoed to the next doorway repeating the same process of peeking in before walking past it or in it.

But this time instead of it being an empty room, this one was filled with boys, pizza and smelt like they'd been smoking for hours nonstop.

"You gon come in or you do we gotta pull you in ma ?" A voice called out, startling me. "I-I.. Sorry." I said as my face heated up.

"No need to be, you fam ma. Long as you ain't like these bitches, you fam." The voice was Herb, he stepped to me smiling the rest of the crew joining in saying "yeah" and things such as.

I closed my eyes and scrunched up my face as he pulled me in for a hug, returning back the gesture, he stepped back and looked me over before saying something.

"You ain't never smoked have you ? You been scrunchin' up yo' face since you peeked yo' lil bright ass in this room." He laughed

My face turned completely red and I looked down fighting the urge to laugh aloud.

"Don't try to hide that shit, show them braces that you stay tryna hide from me." I heard Bibby's voice call out

I didn't even know he'd seen them but hearing him say that made my complete face turn red, made me laugh and finally expose my cheeky braced smile.

"Ayeeee we got us a brace face.. And one who actually cute with 'em!" We all laughed. "Long as it's okay with you, we gon teach you how we get down and that starts with.. Smoking yo' first blunt." Herb said

After a few moments of thinking, debating, deciding if I wanted to do this I said yes. I was hanging around a bunch of guys, learning and taking new risks on New Years. Brandon was the one who taught me, he insisted and the rest of the guys agreed.


We all rushed into the other room, high as shit, balance off and all.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!" we all yelled at each other

This was the first new year I'd spent away from my blood family, the first new year I'd spent away from anyone I didn't know and honestly, it was the first new year I'd actually enjoyed with being away from them. I felt safe around them, like we were already really family. So here's to 2015, taking new risks, stop being afraid because you don't know, try new things.. Happy New Years.

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