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They say Chiraq is one of the most violent places in the United States.. They aren't lying. But you'd have to actually be from here to know these things, don't get me wrong I love it here mainly because this is really the only place I know. I kinda doubt anywhere besides NYC and Cali could top the violence that's goes on here, maybe somewhere in Louisiana too, I hear they got it bad but like I said Chicago is all I know.

Chicago is one of those places that people love to come to, rap about and act like they know the real shit that happens but once they see that dark side, they don't know what to do with theirselves. They get scared as shit. You can't rep that "thug life, gang life" etc. and be scared once you see the truth behind the real niggas who rap about the things that happen here cause they've seen it and done it.

Here, like few other places, if somebody says they're coming to gun your ass down or kill you, murk you, best believe they're gonna keep to their word. Chicago has one of the highest murder rates in the entire US, we not the murder capital but where else you know done had 32 murders over the weekend ? People out here is crazy, I'm telling you.

Murders, rapes, drugs, kidnappings. A lot of things happen here. It's rare for teens out here to finish high-school, from what people see we just a bunch of dropouts on the corner hustling to make something of ourselves and that's true. We don't have any shame in the things we do to get money, whether it be killing, robbing, whatever it may be. To most of us, school ain't a must. Spending years learning up under a teacher gon benefit us in the long run but we plan for now and the future so when you find a way to make quick money, school ain't even a thought in our heads. Some people fortunate enough and want to make their life that much better that they actually spend years in schools.

But on the flip side, it ain't all that bad. It's better seen then spoken about. Chiraq, is my world and I love it.

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