Chapter 8

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Durk had been nothing but loving and attentive to me since the night I invited him in. We learned more about each other, due to the time we'd been spending together. I hadn't spoke to Brandon, but that was of choice because I've been ignoring his text messages, calls and I haven't been back the studio or around to Herbs place since that night. Herb and the boys understood and gladly they didn't take it to heart. Instead they came and got me when they wanted to hang which was practically everyday, I'm not complaining though because since it's almost time for graduation, I don't have shit to do with my life.

I started looking for jobs to keep me occupied in my free time. Nothing full time just yet, only part-time; I wholeheartedly enjoy every ounce of freedom I have. My parents liked hearing that I wanted to make my own money, but that still didn't stop them from spoiling me and showering me in things even when I begged them not to, but that's just parts of course.. At least the ones that actually care for their children. I don't mean the "Sit on my ass while using his child support for myself then they baby gets what's left." type of parent or whatever. I mean the "Bust my ass so that you don't have a single need and also give you what you want if I can." type of parent. Those parents deserve rewards, praise and thanks unconditionally.

"Aye, Sa. You paying attention to me or you in ya' own world again?" I heard a voice questioning me, quickly pulling me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and gave Durk a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry any, thoughts of graduation had me nervous as hell." I replied, telling half of what was actually going on in my head.

Now, I know you're probably wondering "BABY?!", yeah we're kind of a thing now. Like.. I'm his buy I'm not, he's mine but y'know, if that makes any sense. Home is where Sade is. We both had a mutual agreement when we decided to do this. I don't know how to explain it, set rules too. 1.) No bitches/niggas in our main spot (my house or his house) that means, nowhere near it, no driving by or none of that. No late night calls from anybody else, etc. Technically though.. They were really set for Durk because I wasn't interested in any other relations outside of school and the few friends I have. I kept my distance from a lot of males since Brandon because in a way they reminded me of him, attitude wise, in the good way. Everyday I had to stop myself from answering his calls or replying to his texts but I didn't and wasn't going to stop because he really hurt me and something in me constantly kept repeated "Don't give in, don't do it." So I didn't, left them on "Delivered" and tired my ear to move forward with the things I was doing, getting better at it as time progressed on forward, gratefully.

"You got this shit babygirl, you don't need to be nervous. You passed all yo' classes and everything. Ain't shit to bed nervous fuh. You moving forward with life and ain't shit gon' stop ya' from going where you tryna go. Im standing here with you for all things at all time, aight? I gotchu, ma."

His words helped soothe me in all honesty and I stopped thinking about everything. School, work, Brandon; all of it didn't seem to matter to me at this moment and I enjoyed it like this. Durk always had that affect on me, even before I personally knew him and it was just his music, his voice calmed me. I nodded my head and gave him a grateful smile, reaching forward to tug at his ear. "Thank you so much baby. I appreciate you more than I could ever explain."

He moved forward and grabbed me by my hips, pulling me to him. Habitually I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled him as he laid back, resting his hands on my basically bare waist since I was only wearing a panty and a crop top.

"So what's in the daily plans, mama? You got things to do?" He questioned while tugging at the waistline of my panty. I shook my head, "nope. Not as far as I can think of. What about you? Interviews? Studio? The little ones?" He shook his head in response to all of them. "Nah, they momma took 'em to see they grandparents on that side, so it's just me and you. No interruptions." I smiled cheekily hearing him say that and nodded my head. "No interruptions?" I questioned while rubbing back and forth purposely against his pelvic area, my brow raised inquisitively. He groaned quietly and squeezed my hips before sliding his hands down to my ass and gripped them both firmly in his large hands. "No... Interruptions."

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