Chapter 2

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"Ma'am.. Can you open your eyes for me ? Ma'am, open your eyes." I heard a soft feminine voice speaking.

Fluttering my eyes open I immediately shut them back tightly as the white bright lights beamed down onto me. I heard the lady chuckle as I shut my eyes back and I tried to open my mouth to speak but it was dry like sandpaper.

"Water ?" She questioned and shifted making some sounds. "Bring her some water. Tap ?" She asked again sound like it was towards me I shake my head. "Bottled water Jenn." She spoke and soon I heard the swooshing of a bottle near me.

Although I didn't want to, I opened my eyes slightly, squinting them as I looked up at the Caucasian nurse above me with a smile on her face. I wanted to tell her there wasn't anything to be smiling about but no voice prohibited me from doing that and I didn't want to be rude when she didn't have to be in here assisting me at all. So I was grateful yet irritated. Sitting up slowly, I held my head once it began pounding tremendously and the tremors of last night flooded back into my mind. Taking the bottle of Poland Spring out of her hand my eyes welled up again as I began drinking it slowly. Once the water became acquainted with the dryness giving me the ability to speak.

"What ha-" I spoke in a raspy voice and I brought the bottle back to my mouth, downing the rest of it before speaking properly. "What happened ? All I remember is seeing a face and blacking out." I half told waiting for her to answer me.

"Well, apparently and from what we were told, you were nearly raped last night but a guy got there in time and saved you." She stared at me. "We didn't get his name just in case you wanted to know. He just told us some guy tried to rape you, took you into an alley and tried to but he got there just in time." She continued before writing something down on her clipboard. "Is there anyone I can call for you ?" Just then my parents barged into the room, looking bewildered and completely lost to what was going on.

"What happened to my baby ?!" My mom questioned in a calm yet vociferous tone.

"Your daughter nearly got raped last night. She has a minor concussion from either being hit multiple times or getting her head banged against something, several hand prints around her neck from it being squeezed and as you can see, multiple facial scars. Everything should be cleared up within a month or month and a half at the longest, but with the help of medication for the concussion that should be gone in several weeks, and the scars are going to heal on it's own." She told my mother as my father held onto me and I stayed quiet.

I honestly felt ashamed of myself. Had I not been a stubborn and dumbass and gotten a cab like I thought about we wouldn't be in this predicament. I fiddled with my fingers like a little child and kept my head down once my father and mother went outside to go talk to the nurse alone. Many people would be like, "why would you be thinking something like that, it's not your fault." But to me, I felt like it was because I should've taken the cab.

As my mother and father walked back into the room, they embraced me tightly and much to my dismay, my mother started crying hysterically because she didn't know what'd happened to me and she didn't know what she would do with herself if she lost me, it wasn't helping, in fact, I just started feeling worse.

"The doctor said you'd be able to leave today if you'd like, she said she recommended that you stay home for awhile to let everything heal up." My father spoke still holding onto me tightly. "Do you wanna go or do you wanna stay Sadé ?" He asked.

"Dad, you know I hate hospitals since nana died, why would I wanna stay in one." I stated pushing myself off of the bed. "I gotta get dressed.." I laughed a bit once they both rushed out of the room. Picking up the bag of clothes my mother had brought for me, I felt a sharp pain surge through my head making me growl lowly. After getting dressed I searched the room for my phone and found it on the desk, flipping it over I saw my screen was cracked in literally like every place, chipped and everything. I mentally cursed and walked out of the room then down the hall to see my parents waiting for me with a little bag that had the prescription pills in it.

As I walked past the front desk, the nurse that assisted me stood beside me. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to me "Hey! How are you feeling ? Gave your parents your pills and everything. I hope you feel and get better soon love." She said

A small smile curved onto my lips as I exposed my small dimples "Thank you very much. I wanted to ask, if you uhm, are sure he didn't give his name ? I wanted to thank him personally cause I could've gotten raped last night and again thank you so much." I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"No problem, he didn't I'm sorry. He just brought you in and told us, glanced at you once before leaving after us asking what his name was. But he was a tall, light skin boy, looked around 19, 20. With a deep voice. Black hair and his eyes were like either hazel or something like that, somewhere along the lines of that. That's all I can tell you Doll. Oh! He looked like one of those rappers, I think somebody said his name was Little Bobby or something." She finished.

Nodding and smiling, I headed out the door with my parents and we drove home.. Me in shock still kind of and my parents questioning me and each other about moving out of Chi caused me to eventually fall asleep silently.

Just a filler, working on chapters for all stories now. I've been busy and a yungin' is caught up in college work so yeah. That's Sade in the picture. :) Enjoy!

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