Chapter 1

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Walking down the street in my neighborhood during the night time wasn't a wise choice, but I had no form of transportation, well my own actually and I don't have the sense to wait for a cab. So instead I decided to walk home from campus. Once I reached the corner of my street I was grabbed, my mouth and face covered to prevent me from screaming. I grabbed at the hands that was covering my mouth to move it, any screams and sounds being muffled as I was dragged back around the corner into an alley.

I felt fighting back was useless, although I did manage to dig my nails into the persons arms, it wasn't helping to get them off of me. Remembering a technique I was taught back in elementary and high-school I stomped the heel of my Jordan's on the persons toes, causing a low yelp to escape his lips but before I could go for his nuts, he grabbed my arms and bashed my face into the brick wall making me scream out. I immediately began feeling light headed, my eyes started dazing out and getting blurry when I felt something wet sliding down my face. Weakly lifting my hand as he started struggling to get my pants off of my body, groaning once he saw I had a belt on. Touching my face I looked at my hand and saw my fingers were coated in my blood. Seeing it and knowing that I was about to get raped made me feel very helpless, no one was hearing my screams and cries for help, no one was coming. So it was just going to happen. Shutting my eyes closed I gathered up enough strength to try fight him off which landed me getting a hard smack to my already pained face. I could tell if I made it alive out of this, I was going to bruised really bad. The only thoughts in my head were "fight back, fight back, you can do this. Momma taught you better."

My eyes began welling up quickly because my body was growing weaker with ever hit or push I did. It was worthless and I knew after this, I was never going to be the same. He took my panty off well snatched them off of my body and I whimpered helplessly. Suddenly I felt his weight off of me, a thud and multiple grunts as is he was being hit constantly. As I tried to turn around and see what was going on, my body went completely weak and I fell down onto the cold, dirty concrete.

"Get the fuck out of here! You lucky ion got my strap on me cause I'd fuckin kill yo punk ass." I heard a deep voice yell. I couldn't tell if it was my near rapists voice or another person because he didn't speak, honestly at this moment all I cared about was being at home in my bed, maybe this was just a dream and I needed to wake up.

A face popped into my view, it was a guy, looking at me frantically yet calm. "Look at me. You gon be aight Ma." Was the last thing I heard before my lights went out.

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