Chapter 7

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I reached Herbs house, which was semi-packed with a bunch of his friends, some I was tight with and others that I didn't know yet. As much as I didn't want to I couldn't get the picture of Bibby out with another girl when he's been blowing the boys and myself off, like? I guess that was my wake up call that I don't need to be focused on his fuckboy ass because he really isn't focused on me, whatsoever.

I squealed as I felt a pair of arms around my frame, smiling as my manicured nails grazed the tattooed arms of Durk. He picked me up off of the ground and I clung to him while he laughed. "Put me doooooown, D Bear, put me down. You know my feet have to touch the ground." We'd grown close since we met at the studio of course because I'm just a friendly person.

"Ain't my fault you short as hell." He chuckled and set me down, resting his arms around my waist once I turned facing him and my arms loosely around his neck after shoving him for talking about my height.

"Whatever, Banks. You ain't that far away from my height so shut it." I giggled before wiggling out of his grip. "Where's Herbie?" I questioned while already making my way through the room and to the kitchen.

Durk trailed behind me, stopping to talk to a few guys I didn't know leaving me to enter the kitchen myself. Seeing Herb between a girls legs on the counter, sucking each other's faces. I giggled quietly then turned on my heels and walk back out the kitchen, whispering "eww" loudly.

Being that I was familiar with Herbs house, it was okay for me to leave and go upstairs where it wasn't filled with a bunch of guys I didn't really want to be around. I skipped up two steps at a time before reaching the guest bedroom, walked in and shut the door. I climbed on the bed after kicking my shoes off and taking off my coat to get comfortable, laying at the bottom of the bed with my feet touching the headboard. Herb always made sure that nobody came into this room since we got close and got it cleaned specifically for me which made me happy.

After situating myself in bed I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, flipping through channels until finding something I wanted to watch and settled on one of my Top5 shows which is Law & Order. Not too long after, I heard the lyrics to "What You Do To Me" being sung and immediately knew it was Durk. Surprisingly he went to the bathroom which was next door to the guest bedroom, I heard the toilet flush and the sink water go on, then the bathroom door opened and shut and his voice went down the hall. I automatically guessed he heard the tv because he made a u-turn and opened up the bedroom door, muttering "Oh, my bad, ma." once he realized it was me.

He stood at the door for a few seconds then looked out the room before finally stepping in and shutting it behind him. He made his way to the bed and took his shoes off.

"I don't know who told yo' funky butt ass I wanted you in here with me." I said sarcastically, making him suck his teeth.

"Oh whatev' shawt. I wanna be up under yo' tiny ass." He stated, making me giggle and scoot over enough for him.

He climbed into the bed and laid on his stomach beside me, watching what I had put on with me. It eventually led to us not watching the tv and talking to each other about our lives, the things we liked, etc. just getting to know each other on a whole. I learned him from a different perspective than I knew him before. Soon enough, I began getting tired and snuggled up under him then drifted off to sleep.

Hours later, I woke up to the sound of arguing, in the dark and in bed by myself. Brushing my hair out of my face I climbed out from under the blanket and out of the bed, then proceeded to make my way downstairs where the yelling became more clear. I couldn't really tell who was the main person arguing due to the fact that there was more than one person arguing and yelling back. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I walked into the living room where Durk and Brandon stood face to face, both red as hell and fists clenched. I stayed back for a little bit as they argued to avoid getting hit before realizing and understanding why the situation came out. Brushing past the other boys much to Herbs dismay, I stood between the both of them with my back to Durk, backside slightly touching him as it protruded and rubbed him while I argued with Bibby.

"Alright so first the fuck of all, remember you talkin' to me and not yo' silly lil hoes Brandon. I'm not going to take your shit, so bring that tone down to a fucking -0." I yelled.

"You go off and start being up under other niggas cause of what you saw? Ha-" his words cut off by my hand colliding against his face quickly.

"Watch your fucking mouth. Secondly, if I wanna be up under a nigga then imma do that, you do not own me so chill the fuck out. Thirdly, did I say a damn thing to you when you were at the mall? I don't fucking think so, I let you do what you do and move the fuck on. Why waste my time when you been blowing me off like I don't exist? I'm not. So shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down because in the end of it all, just as you're going to do what you want to do, I'm going to do the same, so miss me with that bullshit." I completed, with a slight roll of my eyes, dismissing the look of guilt on his face.

By the time I was finished the boys surrounding us were shaking their heads. I sighed quietly, and turned facing Durk who had his arms crossed over his chest, his demeanor somewhat more calm than before. "Could you please drive me home?" I questioned awaiting the nod he gave me.

I pushed through the crowd and hugged Herb before running up the steps to get my things then back down them, where Brandon was standing at the bottom of waiting for me.

"Sade le-" I shook my head quickly and held my hand up. "I don't want to hear it, carry on with everything that you've been doing. You don't have to worry about me anymore."

I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door, waving and saying "goodbye and goodnight." to the rest of the guys.

Hopping down the porch steps, I saw Durk leaning against my car with his hands shoved into his pockets. I handed him the keys and waited for him to move out the way to get into the passenger seat. Laying my head on my hand as I sighed. He reached over and gripped my chin, making me look at him as he drove off. "Stop with that sad shit. Don't let it bother you, shit happens Sade. You can't stop that shit. It's inevitable, ma."

His words made me stop being upset, just a little not too much because of the feelings I had for Brandon, then at he same time I wasn't even only that.. I was beginning to get feelings for Durk as well and I knew it wasn't going to end in a pretty situation.

Why were feelings created? Why is it okay to get feelings for more than one person at the same time? I just.. Ugh. I hate it.

We pulled into the driveway of my house and he deaded the engine, handing me the keys. He sighed and gave me a reassuring look, and I nodded my head smiling at him then leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, babyboy. I appreciate everything."

We then got out of the car and he pulled his hood over his head and began walking down the block while I walked up my porch steps.. Stopping as I watched him.

"Durk! Wait, you can come in.. If you want." I called out to him.

Once he turned around I could see the grin on his face as he jogged back my way, as he reached the last porch stepped he looked around and chuckled. "Sure you ain't gon' get yo' ass beat for havin' a nigga over in the crib?"

"Boy, whatever. I'm grown.. Somewhat even though I still live with my parents, that don't mean a thing." I giggled. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open, stepping into the house and shutting the door as he stepped in, taking his coat from him while making sure to lock the door as well.

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