Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Ever since I was young I always felt like I was different it was like I was trapped inside my own bubble just observing the world.

My mother would always forbid me from playing outside with the other kids because she said It'd be a waste of time and that I should practice magic and spells instead.

It wasn't always easy being an only child and getting homeschooled by two sophisticated coven leaders.

But that was just how I lived my life for 14 years I wake up, eat, train, study, sleep and repeat until one fateful day when my father decided to break me news

Avari wakes up to the screaming alarm beside her, she groans and placed her pillow on her head hoping that the ear piercing sound would
quiet down 'for Titan's sake let me sleep for eternity'.

But as you guessed the pillow trick didn't stop the irritating noise and so she casted a circle spell and the alarm fell off the table hitting the ground headfirst breaking it into pieces.

This crashing sound woke up the young witch.

Avari: "Shit."

She mumbles to herself as she stared at the broken alarm on the ground.

She sat herself up and lets out a yawn then  paced around her room.

She spots her messy desk filled with papers and books.

Avari: "I guess I went a little overboard last night huh."

She picks up the broken alarm and made her way to a trashcan near her desk, she then  organized her papers hoping not wrinkle the pages and carefully put her books back inside her shelf from smallest to biggest.

Avari: "Perfect."

But before she can even prepare herself for the day she heard her mother knocking on her door.

Amanda: "Avari!"

Avari: "Coming!"

The young witch opened the door to see her mother standing in their hallway.

Avari: "Mom? Is something wrong?"

Amanda: "Yes you woke up late. Again."

Avari: "I'm sorry I was studying."

Amanda: "You know that isn't an excuse."

Avari: "I'm sorry."

Amanda: "Stop apologizing. Now get ready your father is waiting for you in his study.

Avari: "For what? Its a saturday."

Amanda: "He has something to discuss with you now hurry your father is a busy man."

Amanda made her way through the big halls of Medford Manor wearing her signature blue robe while Avari shut the door and started to get ready.

As she got out of the shower she quickly puts on presentable clothes and raced her way downstairs not wasting another second of her father's time.

'What could it be this time? Titan I hope I didn't fuck something up' finally she reached her father's study and she turns the door knob to reveal a wall of books.

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