Chapter 9: Breaking Hearts and Breaking News

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As the two arrive at the owl house they were still in a state of shock maybe it was the fact that their former friend was now a highly ranked member of the Emperors Coven or it was the the stories their members told around the rebellion about how she defeated entire squadrons but those two facts alone just proved how powerful Avari got from the past few years.

Boscha at first was heartbroken when she first heard the news of her first love being missing.

She couldn't sleep for days because she thought about the worst case scenarios that could've caused her to suddenly disappear out of thin air.

She didn't give up hope though for the next year or two she looked for Avari around the Isles but eventually this unhealthy habit of tirelessly walking around the whole island without breaks and screaming at the top of your lungs was concerning for her friends.

Luz and Amity took notice of how Boscha was behaving, at the time they hated each other's guts, but because they had mutual friends, eventually they all got along.

Boscha then stopped looking for the young witch with ocean blue eyes, but she never gave up, she knew that somewhere and somehow Avari would still be alive.

Even if she was lost in time, or got stuck in some parallel universe, forever and always she'd always wait for her.

But she never expected to see the girl that morning so cold and so sorrowful it was like a completely different person.

Her eyes didn't shine the way they used to, and for that fact alone Boscha felt heartbroken

Amity: "Took you guys long enough, Hooty was telling Gus his life story.......again."

Amity said while holding a cup of black bean in her hands with Eda's mug "Over 30 and flirty"

Luz glances at the youngest witch

Gus: "" he whispered

Eda: "heya kids! Why the long faces?"

Luz sighed preparing to drop the bomb she so desperately didn't want to believe she knew this wasn't going to be easy for the others.

Luz: "We saw Avari."

Amity then spit out her black bean onto hooty


Hooty: "Hey! Not cool! hoot hoot."

Boscha: "It's true I was with Luz I saw her."

Luz: "Wait Boscha, maybe you guys have to sit down for this."

Just then Willow came out the bathroom humming a tune and drying her hands on her shirt.

Then she noticed that everyone was sitting at the living room with serious and nervous looks on their faces.

Willow: "Uhhh what did I miss?"

Boscha: "You're gonna have to prepare yourself for this one Park."

Amity: "Just spit it out!"

Eda: "Yea! Wait who's this Avari chick?"

Willow: "Why are we talking about Avari?"

Gus groaned in annoyance, throughout the years the once small and innocent boy was going through an emo phase thanks to his friend Mattholomule the now 16 year old had short amount of patience but it wasn't something harmful so to say, deep down he was still the flag loving dork he was.

Gus: "Get to the point!"

Willow: "Gus! What did I tell you about your emotions!"

Gus: "Don't take your anger out in others...."

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