Chapter 2: The Enemy

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Today was the day I attend Hexide it was like I blinked and BAM! I was suddenly a high-school freshman.

It's been two days since I had that dream either, I don't really read into those sort of things although that dream in particular felt familiar and realistic it wasn't scary even though I woke up my my heart was pounding a million miles per hour.

Putting that aside it isn't my biggest issue right now, because in a couple of minutes I'll be attending my first ever class and interacting with people.

As you can imagine being stuck in the house for 14 years doesn't really give you amazing social skills so I was counting on my sarcastic comments and my natural charm ;DD.

I mean if you were to tell me a month ago that I'd be going to an actual school with actual kids my age I would've laughed my ass off.

But here I am standing in front of that said school with two coven leaders breathing through my neck watching my every move.

Amanda looks at Avari and notices her fidgeting her hands.

Amanda: "Nervous?"

Avari: "No not at all."

Amanda: "Well playing with your hands wont help."

Avari puts her hands behind her back and the three began to walk inside the facility.

The halls were filled with students and red lockers and the air was filled with chattering across the room.
Peaking inside classrooms the you g witch saw abominations pots, potion brewers, beasts and thorn plants.

The students that recognized the infamous witches were mesmerized that they couldn't help but stare at the three of them but the young witch was too invested to care.

Finally the three witches found their way into Principal Bumps office.

Principal Bump: "Clifford! Amanda! It's been so long."

Clifford: "Principal Bump, a pleasure seeing you again."

Principal Bump: "Don't act all high and mighty with me now Cliff! How long has it been? 8 years?"

Amanda: "it's been 7 sir."

Principal Bump:"I really am getting old."

Avari: "You three know each other?"

Amanda: "Of course we do sweetheart, Principal Bump here was my formal mentor, and he was your fathers former principal."

Avari: "You two"

Principal Bump: "You must be Avari, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Avari: "Pleasure to meet you too sir." I said as I shook his hand

Principal Bump: "Well mannered I see, just like your father."

Avari smiled, she didn't know that this was the man that taught her father everything he needed to know and that this was the man who mentored her mother into becoming the best illusionist in the boiling isles so she was genuinely honored to meet him even though he has that weird hat on, is that even a hat?..

Principal Bump: "Now please, make yourselves at home take a seat."

The three pulled out a chair in front of the neatly organized desk and near a window that has the best seat of the entire grudgby field.

Principal Bump: "So I understand that you want to enroll into the abomination and illusion track?"

Avari: "Yes sir."

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