Chapter 4: The Girl with Three Eyes

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The school bell rang ending the first class of the day that felt almost like an eternity.

The students began to head outside repopulating the quiet halls.

Avari: "Abomination, Cower"

Mr Mac: "Great job today Avari! I'll be expecting big things from you."

Avari: "Thank you Mr Maccki."

Finally the young witch joined the two who waited for her patiently by the door.

Amity: "Not bad Medford but not good enough."

Amity said as she heads to the lockers in front of the classroom opening it to reveal mountains of textbooks and novels.

Avari giggles "Yeah right you're one to talk Blight I don't know what you're capable of, who knows maybe your as weak as a bug demon."

Amity: "Hey! Am not! Tell her Luz!"

Luz: "If you must know my girlfriend is a very powerful cotton candy haired goddess don't underestimate the future head of the emperor's coven!"

Amity went red and snuck in a smile while Avari laughed at Luz's witty reply.

Avari: "HAHA- wait what's cotton candy?"

Amity: "Beats me."

Amity said as she closes her locker and the three started to walk through the sea of angsty teenagers.

Luz: "Any whoo you wanna join us for lunch? I'll introduce you to my other friends Willow and Gus! They're really cool I think you'll like them!"

Avari: "Oh that's ok I don't wanna be a burden to you guys."

Luz: "Whaattt? A burden? Why would our new friend be a burden?"

Avari: "friend?" Avari looks behind her "You mean me?" She points at herself

Luz: "Yeah!"

Avari: "You mean it?"

Luz: "Uh duhhh? Why wouldn't I mean it? You saved my butt earlier from Mr Mac! And u laughed at my jokes ;D"

Amity nods in agreement.

Avari's face lit up with glee she never had friends before so she was overwhelmed with happiness.

'She's like a puppy' the two thought.

Luz patted her newly found friend's head as Avari herself enjoyed the affection.

Luz: "Soooo? Will you join us?"

Avari: "I'd like that"

Boscha's POV

Boscha closes her locker and was joined by Skara and Cat who was walking together from their classes.

Skara: "Hey Bo! How's class?"

Boscha: "Terrible, Mrs. Brewer just started to ramble about how she met her husband, again."

Cat: "Geez I'm glad I didn't take the Potions track."

As they finish up their conversation Principal Bump appeared behind Boscha startling the three witches.

Principal Bump: "Hello students, sorry for startling you, I need to borrow our grudgby team captain for a second."

Boscha: "Principal Bump! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Principal Bump: "Well as you know we have a transfer student here at Hexide."

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