Chapter 10: Regretful Decisions

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If you aren't comfortable with either of those I suggest not reading this.

You've been warned.

Avari kneeled down at the Emperor who was seated at his throne the man gave his usual half smile but from his aura the room felt cold.

The young witch was frozen, she couldn't move her feet and fear overthrew her usual confident facade.

Avari: "Emperor the camp was nothing more than ruins at this point. There were no sightings of any rebellion soldiers."

Belos: "Is that so."

Avari looked up to face Belos only to get her face slashed.

Blood was running from the bridge of her nose as she held the deep wound hoping to stop the bleeding.

Belos then tilted her head with his dagger to face him

Belos: "You know I hate it when you lie to me my child it's like you're betraying my trust."

Avari's eyes reflected true horror she made an error of judgement, this man saw right through her white lies and this was the result this was her inevitable punishment.

Belos: "Tell me Avari, what really occurred this morning?"

Avari: "Th-they ran away."

Belos: "Wrong answer."

Belos began to cut Avari's hand resulting in more red stains on his floor dripping from her palm the excruciating pain of the dagger's blade that was running across her skin was too much to handle.

Belos: "Lets me repeat my question shall I? What happened at the camp?"

Then the young witch took a deep breath.

Avari: "I let them go.. I'm sorry Emperor I swear I'll do better." She said with desperation.

Belos smirked: "Now, that wasn't so bad right?"

He said as he lets go of his tight grip on the wrist of the young witch.

Belos: "And here I thought you were the most dependable person under my authority, turns out I've made a grave mistake, it's a shame really you had talent."

Avari: "No please I swear on my life I won't disappoint you again."

Belos smirks, he knew this was the young witch's weakness it wasn't physical pain, it was failure.

He had her under his command, and every order he gave she'll obediently follow like a loyal hound.

Belos always pitied these types of people in the past, but when he knew he can manipulate them as much as he wanted to, he didn't see them as people, he saw them as pawns that he can trade away for his sick game.

Belos: "There must be some reason you let them go, tell me did someone in particular made you betray me? Or was this something I should've seen from a mile away."

Avari looked down at her feet with the horrified look still pressing on her wounds.

Avari: "No Emperor, I let them go because I didn't see them as a threat, I wasn't even sure if they were part of the main rebellion, copycat groups are very common these days, they would only cause us worthless bloodshed.

'I have to protect you no matter what no matter what circumstances.'

Belos looks at Avari staring her down from head to toe before coming to a conclusion.

Belos: "That is true and I suppose that is the case."

Avari then looked up at the Emperor.

Belos: "I'll forget your little mistake this time, but engrave this in your head child, If you ever cross me again, I will take away your last breath."

Avari: "Yes Emperor Belos."

Belos: "Good, now prepare an attack for tomorrow. We're raiding the southeast region."

Avari: "Right away."

Avari then walks out of the gigantic room and out to the yellow toned hallways with two guards behind her.


Hunter: "Alright, from what I heard around the commune Avari does her patrol on the southeast to the northwest. If we time this accurately we can have a chance to talk to her."

Boscha: "But if she's patrolling wouldn't she have backup? Escorts along the coast are usually 5 men or women."

Amity: "What if we distract them and pull Medford aside? Then cast an illusion?"

Willow: "That could work, but what if we just take out the guards?"

Gus: "Then that would mean them questioning the events before they were knocked out! and probably report Avari to a superior under suspicion."

Eda: "Why don't you just kidnap the damn kid?"

They all looked at Eda simultaneously.

Boscha: "Hey you know what that could work."

Luz: "Are you nuts? Kidnapping the Golden Guard can attract unwanted attention!"

Hunter: "Think about it, we can't guarantee that she'd actually hear us out, and from what I heard she left you two after offering her a position in the rebellion. What makes you 100% sure she'll even listen?"

Amity: "But what about her escorts?"


Luz: "Eda!"

Eda: "I mean.. knock em cold?"

The human then squinted her eyes and turned back to the group.

Willow: "Well? Which is it? By force or talking things out?"

Hunter: "I vote by force."

Amity: "Fine."

Boscha: "Its for her sake."

Willow: "Sounds good to me."

Gus: "I just wanna go home."

Everyone then glanced at the human still against the idea.

But eventually she caved.

Luz: "Fine. But I wont like this plan."

Eda then wraps her arm around the human and her girlfriend: "HOT DIGGY DEE DANG THE BAD GIRL COVENS BACK TOGETHER!"

Amity: "Eda none of us left."

Eda: "Shhh shut up greeny just let me enjoy the moment."

Luz: "You know Eda Amity has a name."

Eda: "yeah no duh? Greeny is fun though so I'll stick with that."

Suddenly there was a knock the door.

Hooty: "Hoot hoot! You have a visitorr!!"Hooty said with the same annoying voice the bird worm had as he opens the door.

There stood a hooded stranger.

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