Loose Ends- 14

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Niravi walked back to the hovel, the weight of the paper near her heart. She felt numb as she thought of the events that happened. When she entered the hovel, she saw Elain and Mr Acheron laughing away near the fire while Nesta was reading an old book. She did not acknowledge any of them as she climbed up the stairs and promptly sat on the bed. Her shaking hands reached inside the pocket as she retrieved the small, crumpled, bloody piece of paper.

Demi-fae called Zillah- from the Day court- lives in Sankori- edge of the town- tattered wooden hut.

Sankori was a town that was farther away from the wall. She had gone for a mission there long ago. She also schemed battle-riot strategies for the uprisings against impending taxes. It would take four days of continuous travel on foot. Niravi decided that she would ask a mercenary to take her tomorrow, as she drifted into a restless sleep.


The next morning, she grabbed a pouch of gold coins and tied it onto her belt. Her twin daggers Valkai and Irakka were gifted by Akhil on her first day. The dagger's hilts are decorated with swirls and letters; Valkai with white while Irakka with black, representing life and death.

She shoved a few more fruits into her cloth bag, strapped her tearing boots and grabbed her thickest cloak.

"Where do you think you are going?" a sharp voice demanded.

"I am heading to Sankori. I heard that someone over there can help me cross the wall." Niravi replied vaguely without turning around.

"What will I tell Elain and Father?"

"Anything. Nothing is going to stop me from leaving Nesta."

"you will die." she hissed back.

"I have survived this long haven't I?" she taunted. "I know my way around better than anyone you have known. I will come back as soon as possible."

Nesta just stared at her younger sister. She wanted to say what has been unsaid from her side for years, but all she said was-

"Be careful."

"Goodbye," Niravi said as she walked out. Nesta just hoped that this would not be the last time she saw her little sister.

Niravi stomped her way through the snow towards the market. Hoping that none of them has left yet. Her black orbs scanned through the crowd, looking for someone who was heading away. Her gaze fell atop a woman with black eyes and chin-length hair. She was packing up her weapons and a few animal hides. It was the same woman who Feyre spoke to in the morning; not that Niravi would know.

Niravi strode up to her and questioned, "Excuse me, ma'am? May I ask where you are heading?"

The woman just looked at her with a calculated stare. "Why do you want to know?

"If you are on your way towards Sankori may I accompany you?"


"Please ma'am, I need to reach Sankori as soon as possible."

"What's a girl like you going to do in a rudy town like Sankori anyways."

Niravi took a leap-of-faith and blurted out, "My sister got taken away by fae." The womans eyes flashed in surprise.

"I heard that a person there can take me across the wall, if not across the wall atleast to send a message." Niravi continued, her eyes pleading for help.

"Even if I took you there, you would die at the hands of fae before you can scream bloody murder. It seems a strong wind could push you over."

A sharp glint appeared in Niravi's eyes. Her voice hardened as she replied, "You should never judge someone without hearing their story. I am pretty sure you have heard of the whisperer. Niravi pushed back her cloak to reveal her twin blades. A flash of fear passed the womans face as she truly looked at Niravi.

"You are the whisperer?" she asked both in awe and fear. "I have heard rumors that you drink your victims blood to maintain your cruelty."

Niravi just chuckled darkly, "I assure you that I do not drink my 'victims' blood. I mean you no harm. Just take me along with you, I will protect you if needed; Or do you need gold in exchange?

Niravi had gained the name of being the whisperer because of the way she would lure them out. No one knew if it was male or female; though the audience beleived it was a male. No one even knew how she looked. She always blended in the crowd perfectly, removing all suspicions from her. She would always stay a few days in each town she went to kill. She brought her father's wood carvings to their market, pretending to be a young girl selling pieces of wood to get money. Being a female and having innocent smile and charming personality always gave an advantage. She even made sure that there were no callouses on her hand; her hands and fingers always soft.

She was the devil in disguise; blending perfectly in a crowd. She was always the girl that was to be cherished but soon forgotten from the people's mind. She hunted at night; moving as quick as a snake, sleek as a lizard and quiet as a feline. She danced her way through the gaurds, doors and windows. Nothing could stop her. She attacked when no one expected it. No one would hear any screams or cries. The people would only know when dawn broke; when someone found the body. The crimes of the whisperer travelled across the wall all the way to Prythian for sometimes she killed fae as well.

But she was not completely cruel as they depict the whisperer as. She refused to kill children, victims with family and the truly inoocent. If a target was on a person's back who had a family, she would frighten them through notes, anonymus messages and balckmail until they relented. She was smart and strategic, after all she prepared riot and battle plans for when needed. None of the soldiers would accept a female's word. Thus, Akhil turned in her written scrolls and works for money. She even sold her sister's painting once.

The whisperer was known by all but no one knew who it was; no one dared to find out.

The woman stared at her and agreed finally. Niravi sighed inwardly as she thought of taking care of another dead body. The woman looked old, limping on one leg. Even is she had a family or was truly innocent she had to. She couldn't risk having her identity found especially during times like these

No loose ends.


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