6. They Grow Up So Fast (Sexual content)

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After breakfast with Sam and the boys we hit the road for home. We got about half way when I realized I was going to be sick.

"Pull over! Now!" I demanded, as I unbuckled my seat belt.

James pulled over and I jumped out throwing up all my breakfast. He came out and put his hand on my back. I spat out the acidic remnants and leaned back against the car. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and he wiped them off. Reaching inside he pulled out a water bottle so I could rinse my mouth.

"Better?" he asked, concerned.

I nodded and got back in. He hadn't gone a mile before I started dry heaving. He pulled over again and I got out again. This time I threw up bile. It hurt and my eyes teared up again. My head was hurting and it must have showed as he gave me a hug.

"Can you stop in the next town so I can get some crackers?" I asked. "I thought the morning sickness was done but this just came out of the blue."

He nodded and we got back in. There was a gas station with a convenience store a few minutes away and he bought a package of crackers. We sat in the parking lot and I chewed on several. It settled me down and we were able to go on. He dropped us off first before picking up the dogs from the kennel. As I was unpacking my bag in the bedroom I felt sick again and was bent over the toilet when he arrived with the dogs. I stumbled out of the bathroom and got into bed. That's where he found me.

"Again?" he asked. "I'm going to phone Dr. Themba. You haven't been sick for a month and now three times in an hour."

I was going to argue against it when I became sick again, this time on the bed. James was immediately at my side.

"This isn't normal," he said. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

He took Steve out to the car then came for me. He lifted me up and I dry heaved again. I couldn't stop and I started to cry. He strapped me into the front seat, gave me the crackers, and a bucket. On the way he phoned Dr. Themba and told her he was taking me to the hospital. She knew we had moved and were living two hours away so she promised to phone our local hospital and read them in on our special situation.

By the time we got there they were waiting for us. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me medication to stop the nausea. The obstetrician came in and introduced himself as Dr. Matthew Hunt. He had met Dr. Themba before and was interested to hear about my pregnancy. This pregnancy had been relatively symptom free until the trip home from the wedding. He suspected it likely had something to do with hormone levels and ordered blood work. He asked if he could do a quick assessment of Steve while we waited for the results. We looked at each other then asked why. He explained that Dr. Themba had told him of Steve's advanced physical development and he wanted to see for himself.

"Dr. Hunt," said James. "Please understand that our son is unique. Attempts were made to kidnap my wife in order to get control of our son before he was born. We protect his privacy. You saying you want to see for yourself sets off all sorts of warning bells.

He closed the door and pulled out his cellphone. He dialled a number and said a code then handed the phone to James. Who ever was on the phone talking to James was known to him and vouched for Dr. Hunt. James handed the phone back.

"I wanted you to hear directly from Charles Goode that I can be trusted," said Dr. Hunt. "In fact I asked to be assigned here to be available for just these situations. I am a legitimate OBGYN and have delivered over 400 babies and will have a regular practice here. Your supporters in the CIA are anxious that you and your family have as normal a life as possible. Do they have an interest in your children? I would be lying if I denied that. But they recognize your parental rights completely. I'm sure you have been monitoring your boy's development and I am intellectually curious as to how his development differs from a normal child."

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