10. Carousel of Time

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We rose early to dress in our new clothes and make it to the Louvre just before 6 am. Sunrise was just a few minutes away and when we arrived, there was a celebrant and photographer already there. There were also some homeless people and a couple of drunk football fans. On the nearby street a sanitation crew was emptying the public garbage cans. They didn't remain in my notice for very long, because when the celebrant started talking and the rays of sunrise began appearing, I was looking at my husband, my beautiful handsome husband. He stood there with that soft look in his eyes, licking his lips in that way that always turned my heart into mush as the celebrant spoke.

We are here this beautiful morning in Paris, the city of love for James and Gail to renew their marriage vows. While they haven't been married very long they both feel the need to reaffirm the love that brought them together and binds them still.

James, would you like to go first?

Gail, you know I wanted to marry you almost from that first moment we met. You were throwing up into a bucket and all I could think of was I should be holding her through this. I wanted so much to take care of you. When you agreed to move in me with my heart leapt with joy. When you agreed to be my wife I had never felt such happiness. We had a rough go of it at first. Much of it was my fault. But I always believed that we, you and I, would prevail. Our precious son and the son to come came from our love and I hope you grant me the honour of more children. I came across a quote and while I don't know who the speaker, Bob Marley, was I found his words to be so profound. He said:

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy."

You are amazing. You are worth it. You are my rock and I will anchor my heart to you forever. I will never give up trying to make you happy. I will love you for as long as I breathe.

Thank you, James. Gail, would you please speak now.

James, every day since we met I've fallen more in love with you. I love your blue eyes that pierce my soul. I love how you bite your lip like you're doing right now. I love when you smile that brilliant smile that makes me weak inside. Sometimes you're irritating, but it doesn't matter because irritants produce pearls and you are a precious pearl. I will always be beside you in this marriage. Sometimes I will support you. Sometimes you will support me. Even if we are physically separated I will always be beside you. There will be no other but you because no one will ever measure up to you my blue-eyed, lip biting, smiling, irritant husband. You are my pearl and I wear you over my heart every day. I will love you til my dying breath.

Thank you Gail. May the universe hear your affirmation of love and commitment. May the winds always carry your words to each other's ears. May the sun shine on you and your children for all of eternity. May your love thrive as long as you live.

The celebrant shook our hands and the photographer took our picture as we kissed. We posed for some more pictures and then we were done and all the loud noises and goings on the streets of Paris, started up again. James had reserved us a spot on a breakfast cruise on the Seine so we walked to the street to hail a cab. Before he could raise his hand a black SUV pulled up and several gunmen stepped out. The door on the front passenger seat opened and Sharon Carter came out with a smirk on her face.

"Did you really think you could parade around here every day and I wouldn't know of it?" she taunted. "You thought that shoot out at the hotel was it? You really are stupid, Buck. What's even more stupid is leaving your son with that couple in Brooklyn. Easy pickings."

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