11. Incursions

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During the night two more incursions occurred.  Dr. Strange and Wanda left immediately via portal to investigate them.  Nick stayed until we got up to tell James that he was calling an alert for all Avengers.  He wanted James in as soon as possible.  Apologizing for our short reunion he did suggest Steve and me come in as well but he left it to us to decide.  Then he called for a portal and left.

"If he's calling an alert of all Avengers that means these incursions are threatening the world," said Sam. 

"I would feel better if you were with me," said James.  "I've just got you back after four days of losing you.  I know you're supposed to see Dr. Hunt this week but Bruce can do it this time.  We'll take the dogs as well.  Please Gail."

I nodded and he made arrangements for a portal to transport us all to HQ.  I phoned Dr. Hunt's personal number and explained the situation.  He promised to connect with Bruce and wished us luck.  As James notified the sheriff I started packing a bag for Steve.  He tried helping, putting in books and toys.  It was so cute.  Then I packed my bag and sat on the edge of the bed feeling emotional about leaving our home again.  James came in and sat next to me, holding my hand.

"I know how you feel," he said. "We finally have our oasis and we've hardly been here.  I want us to be together.  If another portal took you or Steve and I wasn't here ..."

He looked away, out the window, trying to stay in control.  Touching his hand I assured him that being together topped everything.  He nodded, finished packing his bag, then we hauled everything downstairs.  He double checked that we had what we needed and asked Friday for the portal.  A couple of soldiers came through to carry what we couldn't then we went through and reappeared near the MPs desk.  There were lots of people waiting to get their accreditation as Fury had called the alert for all staff, not just Avengers.  It was like a scene out of a war movie, crying babies, barking dogs, suitcases everywhere.  Ramirez saw us and waved us over.

"We're processing Avengers family in here, Sarge," she said.  "The Scarlet Witch has conjured up a separate set of accommodations just for all of you so we can put everyone else in the regular accommodations.  She's even created a playground for the kids.  It'll be crowded but we'll manage."

It seemed odd to walk into a space created out of nothing but I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference.  Wanda had created cots for us when we had 19 staying at the apartment but this was the size of an apartment building.  We checked in at the main floor where a second MP desk had been set up.  We received our lanyards, Steve's was actually on a clip that we would fasten onto his clothing.  Then we moved on to our quarters which were really quite nice.

"Wanda must have looked at the plans for the new building," said James.  "This is exactly how we envisioned them.  I guess we will find out if they're adequate."

After we got unpacked and set up Friday we went to the common area.  It was more than large enough to hold everyone and their family.  A slide show was being shown on the big screen outlining the services and amenities.  We could eat here and could also request food delivery for the kitchenette in our quarters.  There was no set schedule of mealtimes.  It would be an open cafeteria from 6 am to 10 pm daily.  A playground was provided for children as well as a fenced outdoor dog park so dogs didn't have to stay inside all the time.  There was an indoor child play space that could double as a school if necessary.  A theatre, swimming pool, and video arcade would be provided soon.  Bedding was changed weekly but families could opt to do their own and would receive an extra set.  Housecleaning was also weekly.   Suggestions were welcome.

"This is your plan?" I asked James.

He nodded, excited to see it implemented.  "You weren't the only one to suggest changes.  Military can be very rigid but 2/3 of Avengers staff are civilian so it just made sense to be more flexible.  The military will have their own building and can run it how they wish.  I like this much better."

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