Operation: Deliverance and The Mine Car Chase

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In the Mines, the slave labor went on. Until that is, one taskmaster is confronted by Indy and the Warners. The four then beat the slaver and knocked him out cold, sparking an all-out slave revolt, as Wakko had envisioned when planning Operation: Deliverance.

"Children! Rise up!" Wakko cried. "Defy your captors! Take Down the tyrants that bind you!" The slaves pour stones on their guards and trip them up with their bonds. Indy, Short Round, and the Warners fought other guards while Willie found some keys and began freeing the children. The others found keys as well, and soon, all of the children were free!

"Freedom!" Dot cried out. "FREEDOM!" "Run! Run free, Children!" Wakko cried. "Your slavery is now abolished!" The children began to run for the exits of the mines, overrunning their guards and escaping Pankot. Operation: Deliverance was a success!

There was only one thing left: the Head taskmaster, whom Indy was locked in a brawl. Shorty and the Warners tried to intervene, but Willie, being protective, held them back. "No!" She cried as Indy and the bulky taskmaster fought.

"We gotta save him!" Shorty cried as he saw his friend being beaten up. "He can take care of himself!" Willie Replied. "He needs us!" Shorty called out as Indy was punched in the stomach. "Ye-ouch!" Wakko winced.

"I gotta save Indy!" Shorty cried as Indy was picked up like a rag doll. "Okay, save him," said Willie, and let the four loose. Wakko ran out ahead with a huge mallet shouting: "WAKKO WARNER!" as he charged the taskmaster. "Whoa!" Yakko exclaimed. "He just ran in!" Dot cried as they too went in.

"Drop him!" Shorty demanded the man. "Now or you'll get it!" The taskmaster just threw Shorty and Wakko aside as if they were toys. Indy and the taskmaster fight in a minecart.

Meanwhile, the Maharajah was watching the brawl from a distance, holding the voodoo doll of Indy in hand. He then sticks the doll with a pin and Indy screamed in pain.

"What's the Matter with him?" Asked Willie. "Up there!" Dot exclaimed, pointing to the hypnotized Maharajah. The kid took the voodoo pin out of the doll and Indy got back up and kept brawling with the taskmaster. Their fight would lead them onto a conveyor leading straight to a rock crusher!

The crazed Maharajah stuck the doll with the Pin again, and Indy screamed and fell down onto the conveyor. Willie, Shorty, and the Warners all ran to help their friend. Shorty caught a glimpse of the Maharajah and went for him. "After him, Shorty!" Dot called as they helped Indy.

Indy's doll was unpinned and Willie gave Jones a Boulder. "Here! Try this!" She called, as Indy uses his strength to hit it against the taskmaster to break free of the hold he was in.

However, the crazed Maharajah stuck Indy's doll with a pin, making him scream and fall again. Shorty climbed up the water collection system. Just before Indy is crushed, the voodoo is undone, and Indy gets the thug off him and tries to escape. However, the Maharajah struck the doll with the pin, causing Indy to scream and fall again. The muscular thug had gained the upper hand and held down Indy to the conveyor, both he and Maharajah were determined to crush the revolt's leader.  

Then, Short Round catches the Maharajah off-guard by taking him down and wrestling for the voodoo pin. "Attaboy, Shorty!" Dot called as the boy fought bravely. Shorty then Yanks the voodoo pin out of the doll just in time as Indy was about to be crushed. Indy got up, hitting the thug with a broad saw. 

Indy fought the taskmaster while Shorty fought the Maharajah. Suddenly, a piece of the Head Taskmaster's turban got caught in the rock crusher! Indy escaped by holding onto a rope, using the muscular thug as a counterweight. The thug wasn't so lucky, as he slipped and got flattened by the rock crusher. 

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