1:| 𝑶𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒂 𝑼𝒏𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚

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|:| Saihara's POV |:|

"The first day..."

I sigh to myself sitting up in my bed. I looked around my dimly lit room confused for a second forgetting that I moved into my college dorm just last night. There were still some boxes on the ground filled with books and clothes that I didn't finish putting away last night. I'm pretty sure I fell right asleep as soon as I got my bed set up.

I groaned whilst hopping out of my comfy bed, wishing I could've slept a little longer. Instead, I had to get ready, and with that, I slowly but surely walked over to my closet to grab some clothes to wear for the day.

"I have no taste..." I covered my mouth from a yawn and stared blankly into my closet.

After a while, I grab an outfit that my uncle got me for my birthday. Though it's in September he knew that he wouldn't be able to give it to me in 6 months because of work. He is always looking out for me but at the same time, he never has time for me and is such a workaholic... I think it runs in the family.

I rubbed my eyes, looking into the mirror, "It's comfy—that's all that matters.."

I walked out of my bedroom and tripped on a box that wasn't picked up, but I luckily caught myself; it's still early in the morning and I didn't want to get a complaint. I quietly walked over to the kitchen grabbing a fruit-flavored CalorieMate bar (Japanese energy bar) out of one of my cabinets. I bit into the bar and grabbed a mug to start making my morning coffee.

Finally after finishing getting ready I walked over to my door and grabbed my dorm keys with my shoulder bag. With that I stepped down to the shoe rack that was by my door; slipped on my white slip-on vans and headed out the door, locking it on my way out.

After a while, I got to the huge university, wanting to die of exhaustion and be able to sleep longer—yea definitely the second one.

I walked into my class sitting down in a random seat and got my books out. I listened to the teacher as they went over some usual first-day things.


The morning was easy, but now the hardest part of the day... Deciding if I want to eat lunch and where to eat... I sighed sitting down in a chair in the common area of one of the buildings, "I should've brought a bento.." (bagged lunch) I murmured to myself.

After a while I just decided to walk around campus to get some fresh air, I did buy a small milk carton from a vending machine on the campus, but soon threw it away after I finished drinking it. I walked to my next class and smiled to myself because the next class was mathematics, I was pretty good at that subject, so I knew it would be over fast.

I think I spoke too fast...

The teacher, or sorry Dr. Tanaka because he has his 'doctorate' didn't even give us a basic welcome like 'this is what we do in this class' type of stuff he just acted like we have been in his class for a whole year! Old hag doesn't know how to teach properly, and at the end of the class period, he gave us a packet that he wanted to be finished by tomorrow's class. I death stared him the for the rest of our class time. I mean, I like the subject but these equations just give me a headache looking at them.

I groaned leaving the class as I zipped up my shoulder bag. The rest of the day was luckily easy but Dr. Tanaka just pissed me off. I'm here to become a writer professionally, but apparently, everyone here needs to take some sort of math class because 'math goes along with art' it's stupid...

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