7:| 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆.. 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆?..

209 9 3

|:| Saihara's POV |:|

"So.. How about your place?"

Those words rang through my head, as I stood quietly, and blankly outside a small sandwich shop. I gripped my bag strap lightly and dazed off looking at the ground, trying to collect an answer if I really should let him come to my apartment. If I do—what will happen?

He moved his foot slightly under the range where my eyes were focused on the ground. He started tapping his foot waiting for a response; snapping me out of it, my head shot up, and looked up at him. He had a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk growing on his face.

"Uh—sure," I bit the inside of my cheek from my response. I responded without thinking about it—what did I just get myself into.

He smiled and grabbed my wrist, not so hard that it left a red mark, but enough to hurt a little. He dragged me to a bus stop since my apartment was far from this coffee shop—for a reason that is. 

He sat near the window and smiled looking through the glass, he looked like a little kid who always wanted to sit near the window in a bus or airplane. 


After two or three stops we got off and walked into my apartment complex. We went up to the elevator and walked to the door. When I was trying to get my keys out of my pocket I could hear him breathing behind me like it was only sound in the hallway; not the keys jingling in my pocket, not the shuffling around of me trying to get my keys—just him breathing. I soon could feel his warm breath against my neck, and it sent shivers down my spine.

I stopped trying to pull the keys out, and froze. Of course, he noticed and leaned over my shoulder as I blankly stared at my door. He rested his head on my shoulder and I got startled a little but quickly turned into a stiff board.

"What's the stop all of a sudden? Hmm?" He was so close to my head and his warm breath was felt throughout my entire body. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to respond, I wanted this weird feeling to go away. I knew I should've invited him to my apartment...

Before I knew it he wrapped his arm around my back and slipped his hands in my pocket, sliding his fingers past mine. He grabbed the keys and dragged them out of my pocket and up my side. He stepped in front of me and unlocked the door, looking back he smiled and then winked, "Let's go princess, I know you were waiting for your prince charming to unlock the door for you,"

I snapped out of my trance and glared at him, "You can shut your pie hole!"

"Ooo! Wow, so aggressive—and feisty,"


It's been over an hour and I was getting tired of studying, especially on the floor, and just tired in general. Amami-Kun sighed closing his binder, and leaned back on the floor staring up at the ceiling; his arms behind his head. 

I rolled my eyes resting back on my forearms and I saw his head turn to face me; he smiled but I didn't want to give him the attention he wanted, "Hey Saihara?"

I kept looking at the wall and responded, "What," I responded in a cold monotoned voice.

I could hear him chuckle a little, "Well, I was wondering if you could give me your phone number since I'm your tutor, I might need it; of course," I turned to him and glared at him, my eyes clearly said no. He whined, "Why not?" He put on sad puppy eyes and moved up to his forearms.

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