chapter one

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THEORIES ABOUT our galaxy remained untested, the milky way that our planet blissfully floated rotating around the giant ball of flaming gas we refer to as our sun could never be truly explored

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THEORIES ABOUT our galaxy remained untested, the milky way that our planet blissfully floated rotating around the giant ball of flaming gas we refer to as our sun could never be truly explored.

Some things were meant to be remained undiscovered, left to be a mystery kids dreamt of one day piecing together - seeing their faces plastered on posters, TV ads and milk cartons that screamed HEY! I DID THAT!

Nova Ortega was one of those lucky children that did turn their fantasies into a reality, every bit of blood, sweat and tears spilt suddenly made so much sense.

Still, it didn't seem real until she stepped foot into the space station that she could spend years and years in, researching the beautiful place they liked to call the milky way.

Nova could still remember the adrenaline that burnt through her veins and the anxiety that had her lungs captured in an iron fist.

"Oh my god," she mumbled breathlessly as the stars glimmered in her teary eyes, they seemed to be at arms reach.

Oh how she wanted to stick her arm out and take one in her hand, it took reaching for the stars to a whole new level - an impossible one at that.

As Nova would soon discover, the days seemed to blend together you could never tell what time it was and it was hard to keep up with a regular sleep routine without fucking it up somehow by getting distracted by the stars outside your window that seemed to be talking to you.

A single star lingering in the galaxy seemed to shine brighter than the other, no not the sun, one that was brighter than the sun in Nova's eyes.

She smiled fondly, "good morning papa." Nova would greet everytime she passed by the window and spotted it.


verything seemed to be moving as smooth as butter until one morning, the radio suddenly switched on and the urgent shouts from the crew back on earth filled her ears.

"Code red!" Alarms could be heard ringing in the background, "earth is n-now ground zero!"

It took Nova moment but she pulled herself over to the radio and took the device into her hand, "hello? Can anyone hear me?"

A brief moment of silence followed her question so she tried again, "ground zero? What's going on?"

This time it wasn't completely dead silent, a voice came through the speaker but it was more static than anything - she hit the device with little strength trying not to break it.

The static continued for a couple minutes longer before the radio cut out completely, Nova could feel her heart beating against her ribcage and the feeling of her lungs burning.

Fear coursed through her veins turning them ice cold, "hello?" Nova's voice was fragile breaking at the seams.

"This is Nova Ortega currently residing on the international space station, does anyone copy?"

She clenched her fists and slammed the device down cursing loudly, "fuck!"

Nova lifted her feet up allowing the low gravity to take hold of her, as she drifted slowly through the air her mind was swarmed with thoughts that unsettled her stomach greatly.

What if everyone's dead? Are they leaving me?

Nova inhaled sharply and shook the thoughts away, there was no point upsetting herself and making the situation worse.

Count to ten, take deep breaths, repeat

She repeated the steps in her head and blinked away the tears, they weren't going anywhere anyway.

There's no point crying in space, Nova.

The girl was literally drifting through space, the communication she would eventually urgently need seemed to be faltering - even the minds who felt most at peace would be unsettled.

Nova eventually reached the are that she had come to know as her sleeping chambers and climbed in.

The comforting atmosphere seemed to stop the swarming thoughts long enough to send her into a daydream.

Unlike others hers were more like memories, the days of being a carefree teenager in a less radiation soaked land.

A completely unaware Nova Ortega completely oblivious to the carnage that would turn the world upside down before her return.



I apologise this is a crappy first chapter! I apologise, these will improve I was just completely lacking any ideas to begin this novel.

But don't be afraid, they will be better from now on.

And another reminder, this plot belongs to bottledcosmos.

It's not an original idea.

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